
My 2 yr old son has this little habit...

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It never bothered me, but others kind of raise their eyebrows if he tries it in front of them, I usually stop him at that point. BUT

He likes to pull my shirt up just enough to smoosh his bare belly against mine. He just sits in my lap and hugs me. I always figured it was because he was nursed and was comforted by the warmth and physical contact so crucial to little ones. A few family members now have me second guessing myself. Please..serious opinions only...




  1. I read an article not long ago about the five love languages of children.  One language is physical touch...this is just your child's way to feel closer to you.  My 21 month old daughter is always running to me to wrap her arms around my legs or to give me kisses...Your little boy is telling you he loves you in his own special way, so don't worry about what others think or say.  You and your son have a strong bond


  3. this is great within the privacy of your home, so discourage the behavior in public.  the touch of skin is very soothing to all humans.

  4. I think that is precious. He enjoys the physical closeness you two share. I can very much understand and relate to your situation. My son who is now almost 9 doesn't care for too much physical affection now adays, but when he was young like yours we were very close. We were always physical with our affection. We liked to touch and hug and felt comfortable showing our affection like this. My sister who had moved in with us (back then) was not very understanding to it. Seeing we weren't raised with the physical affection from our mother (father was absent) so we only had our mother and older sisters to count for as family. Mom was always working and older sisters were into older things that we weren't into yet. So it was me and my little sister that were tight as thieves. Grown now she was able to see the affection a mother has with a child. It was uncomfortable for her and she didn't understand why so much touching and closeness. I first tried to explain that the relationship my son and I have is one that is very different from ours with our mother-with good reason though, but none the less it was different.  I don't know how to say it with out it sounding more than what it is.. But I had to also respect how she felt, she isn't a mother so I understood that that kind of affection she wouldn't understand and then our upbringing. I knew that she wasn't trying to be ugly or make us feel uncomfortable, she just didn't know any better. I started to let her spend time with my son more and more. I allowed her to take him places with her and just let them gain a relationship of love and trust. Today my sister is probably just as affectionate and loving with my son as I as!! Letting her see what love was like with a child only helped her to understand that physical affection was only natural to happen. Needless to say they are best friends and they are very close. Which makes me very happy because I am super close with my sister also! She now understands the physical part of love. I think the fact that I didn't take offense to her feelings but instead allowing her to see for herself she was able to understand. I am sure my experience is probably different from yours but I thought sharing this might be of some help to you. I would try to explain to your family. Also be understanding and respect that if that kind of affection is uncomforting I would try to compromise and maybe explain to your little one that it would be better if only when you two are alone to share that special tummy moment together.

    Hope I was helpful.....  

  5. Aw, that's really sweet. Toddlers tend to be very affectionate toward their mothers at an early age. Soon he'll break out of that habbit.

  6. I myself have a 2 year old that I breast feed for almost 17 months.  Whenever he gets cranky and sleepy, he has a habit of rubbing on my breast.  I certainly know that he has no clue of what he's doing and is only doing it out of comfort.

    Some people just don't understand the bond between mother and child during feeding, so in return they would never understand the need for a young child to do something that is comforting to them.

    Rubbing belly's should not be a reason for others to have a raised eyebrow about or even question you about.  This is nothing to second guess yourself about.  Enjoy every moment with your little one, love and comfort him in a way that both you and he are comfortable with.

    I hope this is helpful.

  7. no there's nothing wrong with that he's probably still use to the warmth of still being in the womb.

  8. aww, i think that is cute, i wouldnt worry about what other people have to say about it, its something special that you two have, and if you are ok with it, then its fine, hes only 2 anyways. i mean if hes 4 coming outta school and running to you and doing it, well yeah, you know, its something to wonder about, but this i think is sweet and something that you two do to bond.

  9. I don't see why your family would have an issue with it. I think it's like the kid who  always wants raspberries on his belly, for whatever reason your son likes belly to belly.

    I think you are right and it has to do with being breastfed and the connection he felt when nursing.

  10. Your child is 2 years old and doesnt mean anything by it. It sounds cute. I have a 2 1/2 year old. They do weird things sometimes and may have weird habits. I wouldnt worry about anything, he just wants to be by his momma.  

  11. Hmm...never heard of that before.  Try wearing an undershirt and tucking it in to your pants, see if that stops him.  Be sure to give him lots of hugs and have him sit on your lap a lot still, just don't let him at your stomach!  I'm not sure what would be causing him to do that, I'm guessing it's probably just the physical closeness, so maybe try wearing short sleeves and hugging him, so that he can still feel your skin on him, but not a spot that some people might find innappropriate (not that I think anything's wrong with it, some people are just weird about stuff like that).

  12. I think it's adorable,don't worry.Maybe these people that are being critical haven't been lucky enough to enjoy such LOVE.

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