
My 2 yr old son is to jealous?

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i have a 2 year old, he has a sister who is almost 1. He smacks her head and wants to sit on her. Every time I hug her he comes and wants to hit her. I don't know what to do. Should I just wait for him to let it go or can I do something that will help him to be nice with her. I give him alot of attention but I don't know why he acts that way. Any good help would be nice. thanks




  1. Just let him be. Ur daughter is fragile rite now.

    Juz tell ur son that u love him too.

    If u give him attention,u'll encourage him to hit her more when u dont give attention to him.

    Why dont ur husband take care of him?

  2. Sounds like sibling rivalry, he is letting his sister know that HE was there first.  You're never going to stop it.  Sibling rivalry is a part of having more than one child.

  3. Are you sure that it is jealousy? It sounds like he's doing it out of spite. What could be bothering him?

    drepression represents its self in children as angry or agresiveness.

    its sounds to me that a little bit of that.

  4. Some might think its cute, but really, if you let him continue that, he's is going to be REALLY jealous when he gets older. You need to toughen (sp?) and tell him to stop, i hate to tell you this, but you might need to pat him on the butt to get his attention, thats how you get a well- behaved kid.

  5. "Juz tell ur son that u love him too. "

    No, don't say that you love him too, if he's upset about you loving his sister more. That will reinforce the message that you don't care as much about him. Say that you love him, but don't go running to your daughter immediately afterwards. Do something that he likes with him.

  6. talk to him and make him understand what hes doing is wrong and for everyday hes nice to her give him like a special treat of something. lol kinda bribe him

  7. Well maybe he is not to jelous maybe its like a mine fase and its his mommy you cant have her kinda like a toy. Give them hugs together like a group hug so he doesnt ever feel left out idk. good luck.

  8. Give him a good lecture about how he is OLD and has to help teach his BABY sister and she is HIS sister and he needs to be nice to her.  Point out all the things he can do because he's OLDER and she can't do, poor thing.  

    Then, make sure he is getting enough attention on his own.  It is a little disconcerting to go from being the only child to having a little sister who is always being fed and cuddled and changed and never gets scolded.  

    So, you have to convince him that having a baby sister is the best thing that ever happened to him.  Give him extra attention for being a Big Brother.  Ask him to help, to bring something that the baby needs, and thank him for being so helpful.  

    Take some time with him without the baby and play with him.  Play whatever he wants to play at least once a day.

  9. I did that when I was 2.  My mom smacked me and I smacked my bro for revenge.

  10. That's normal and is always going to be there. You could try making him a bigger part of helping you with her.Try to find things that they can both be a part of doing.

  11. Just correct your son and tell him (and show him) how to treat his sister nicely.  It'll take some time, but if you're persistent, it'll pay off.

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