
My 20 month old has a lazy eye. Any advice?

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We have gone to a specialist in Ontario. He gave glasses, which she hates to wear for more than 15 minutes. Now he gave drops. Which she screams and kicks like crazy. The patch might be next. The doctor can't assess anything yet.

I had the same condition at the age of 4 and had an operation. It looks fine, but I lost a bit of sight in the bad eye. I want a second opinion, but there are none in Toronto that specialize in this. Help please.




  1. Go somewhere else to get a second opinion if you want one. I would make her wear her glasses even if you have to use bribes, she has to know how important it is to wear them.

  2. Look in the surrounding area of Toronto. If possible you can go to Buffalo and ask a doctor there to take a look. I live in WNY and we have a lot of great eye professionals.

  3. I have lazy eye and I am an adult. I wish that my parents would have had the surgery done when I was younger. My brother had the surgery done when he was small and it fixed his lazy eye.

  4. my son had lazy eye, his was really bad, his eye would twirl all the way around, he tried the patch, but that didn't work, he wouldn't keep it on, so at the age of 22 months he had surgery to correct it, not one problem since, and he sees perfect.

    hope this helps

    encourage the doctor to do the surgery

  5. Its tough to make a toddler wear glasses or to put eye drops in their eyes.  

    From what I hear because of Canada's health plan it is hard to be able to go to the doctor you want.  And apparently hard to find specialist.

    It might be wise to wait until your daughter is a little older when she can sit still longer etc.  

    My aunt had surgery for a lazy eye back in the 70's.  I am sure that technology has improved much since then.

    If you want your 2nd opinion now, you will probably have to travel outside of Toronto.

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