
My 20 year old TV is acting cooky.?

by  |  earlier

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Certain channels will work for a while and then just go to "snow" with terrible noise. If I shut it off it's ok for a while and then it keeps happening. Just certain channels, not all. I know I should buy a new one soon but in the mean time, what can I do to avoid this?




  1. get a new t.v. for goodness sakes.

  2. good grief it's 20 years old, no wonder it's stopped working, lol

  3. Well if it's 20 years old  there might be just nothing you can do. sorry :(

  4. If this truly is the TV’s fault and not the cable/satellite then there is really very little you can do besides buy another TV.  But be sure to check the wire going into the back of the TV first to make sure that isn’t the problem.  Sometimes a wire can get a short in it.  You can check this by wiggling the wire that connects the TV to your service.

    To me it sounds like your service is having the trouble though.  If it were the actual TV giving you the problem then it wouldn’t just be certain channels going out like that.  My advice is to check your connection like I told you before and give it a few days to see if it stops.  If it continues then I would suggest buying another TV because it would probably cost you more to get the old one fixed.

    Good luck.

  5. your answer is in the question...20 year old television (just in case, you didnt realize it after my first comment)...Is it true that things like tvs were built sturdier 20 yrs back? prolly, but still the tv's got 20 years on it...thats older than me , me and me. I actually have my old old old tv in the basement and i hooked up a nintendo entertainment System and it WORKS...The snowiness, doesnt come anymo' when hooked up...Maybe you should go to that too

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