
My 2004 Optra Chev - gurgles when I start it

by  |  earlier

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I just had the timing belt, radiator belt, wiring, temperature sensor replaced in my car. I flushed out the rad and filled it up with coolant because it was low and car was overheating. The level of the coolant is normal now (after driving it a few days). The car still gurgles when I first start it in the morning and once the cars running for a minute it goes back to normal. Now, I don't think it's the head gasket cuz there's no white smoke out the exhaust and no "sweet smell" The car does choke a bit when I stop and go?? There's nothing leaking on the ground either. Anybody know what's going on?




  1. Your cooling system has air in it. Run it without the cap for awhile in the back yard, just watch it until it heats up, then shut it off and add coolant when it's cold. Remember COLD not cool.

  2. Purge. check vuccum hoses, no more blow jobs.

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