
My 2005F-150 check gagues msg comes for less that a sec right when i start the truck. should i worry obout it?

by  |  earlier

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it comes on for less than a sec. when i start the truck. i never have notice before. so i don't know if is normal or there's a problem going on.




  1. It's normal, all the dash indicator lights should breifly come on when you first start it up. If the light goes out there isn't any problem. if it stays on then it's indicating that something isn't right and needs to be checked out.

  2. no , it just shows you that ,so you have something to talk about on

  3.   No. When you first start the engine the oil pressure isn't to operating pressure yet. After that first second it comes up, the alt is putting out the max, ect... Its just telling you its monitoring system is working.

  4. No need to worry about it unless it stays on. This is a quick check also to see if the bulb is burned out.

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