
My 2007 Heritage turns over fine but just wont fire. Something wet from rain?

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My 2007 Heritage turns over fine but just wont fire. Something wet from rain?




  1. It could be moisture lingering somewhere in the ignition system.  There's a product called "Wire Dryer".  The first time I saw it used, I was truly amazed.  It's a spray can you spray to dispel any water in the area where you spray it, and it works like a miracle.  One squirt under the distributor cap will eliminate any water that might be there.

    Could be clogged injectors.  Spray some starting fluid into the air intake and see if it fires or starts.  If it does, you're just not getting enough fuel through those clogged injectors to start when it's cold.  

    I don't have anything with fuel injection, but my sister swears by injector cleaner.  You know, the little bottle of stuff you pour into the gas tank?  She uses it on a regular basis and, evidently, it keeps the fuel flowing.


  2. You didn't put car plug wires on it for some reason did you? I did that 1 time and if got cloudy the thing wouldn't start. Put the stock wires back on, no more problems. The car wires weren't heavy enough.

  3. Need more info 1st check  to see if you have any present or historic trouble codes in the system. Refer to manual. If a code is present.. contact me and I can translate it for you. As you say it turns over, I suppose that the starter is turning the engine over? The engine cranks over with enough speed to possible start? If so.. Rule out the starting circuit. Next, you will need to check the ignition system, Unfortunately, unless ur a trained tech. and even if you where, its almost certain that you need an electrical Diagnostic manual for your bike and start diagnosing which will require special tools. It can be many things. Simple and/or complex. It many be simply a bad ground or something like a shifted sensor that may be more difficult to locate. Bottom line.. Check to make sure you have good batt. voltage of at least 12.7 volts. Next check for spark with dummy plugs or however you can. If you get spark. And no trouble codes. You will probably have to take it to a Dr.

  4. Do you have spark at the plugs? It's unusual to have both coils go out at the same time ,but it does happen.

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