
My 21 month old don't listen to anything..

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I tell him no all day long and he doesnt stop.. i know he can hear.. he knocks off all the dvds off of the shelves he knocks all the stuff off of the counters.. i know you will say pick stuff up.. but its not like my house is dirty it looks normal to me. i dont know what to do i tell him no all day and he wont stop. what age do they learn no and stop doing the stuff you tell them?




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  2. only gets better.   My 17 year old still does not listen!  He is young and knows how to push your buttons (yes, even at this early age he knows how to work you)  Clear all the stuff off so there will be nothing for him to knock over.  He will out grow this and move on to something else.

  3. It’s the age….my son is 21 months and doing the same things. He hears me, he knows what I’m saying, and time outs don’t work all that well because he can get up and walk away. He gets more upset when I don’t look at him or talk to him. He’ll pull at my legs and cry and cry. I don’t give in and so far, this works best. I completely ignore his negative behavior.

    He’s been using his step stool to get to the silverware drawer. He likes to just knock things off the tables and countertops if he’s mad. Just to test us. And the more we ignore him, the more angry he gets because he’s NOT getting the reaction he wants. And the behavior slowly trickles to nothing…

    At this age, they love to test your patience…..

    And what is it with kids this age and DVD’s??? He’s OBSESSED with the DVD’s and cases….it’s kinda funny.

  4. Sounds like he's it the terrible twos early.  I would congratulate you, but that would be mean.  It's a bit of a struggle for both sides.

    He knows that you're telling him to stop, to behave, etc but he chooses not to, because right now he's past 'cause and effect'.  He's into POWER and testing his limits.  He knows that when you say No and he says Yes, and is able to do what he wants to, that he's in control.

    It's normal.  Believe me.  They all do it.

    He's at an age where you might be able to reason with him.  The art of distraction can help.  When you see him going to do something that you don't want him to do, don't say No.  Instead take his attention span away from it, but saying "ok, you're going to do that?  Good.  I'm going to the kitchen to get some cookies and milk."  You will have him with that, and you might be then able to tell him only good boys get treats, and if he's going to stop...knocking the DVDs over, he can have some with you.  Invite him to come with and get them.  It doesn't have to be treats.  It can be going to the park.

    Good Luck.  It's not easy...but you will get through it.

    BTW, I don't believe in whacking the heck out of kids to get them to listen, or taking things away from them.  Threats only make them mean spirited and fight against you even more.  Hitting teaches them that you can be the boss, if you can smack someone around.   Yelling teaches them that the loudest one wins.

  5. They never stop......

  6. A lot of people said spank him. I'll bet you have already tried that.

    Your child could have autism or some other spectrum disorder I would be careful if your going to spank. Besides your child is really too young he probably won't start responding the way you would like him to until about 2 1/2.

    He may be bored and he may be looking for your attention. Try giving him puzzles,Lego's or reading to him.  My children started to be so interested in books they would look at the pages and they learned to read at a very early age.  

  7. "what age do they learn no and stop doing the stuff you tell them?"

    anyone else find that funny? hehe

    Good luck with that.

  8. make him/her cry

  9. usually they learn right from wrong around the age 3 or 4 so he still might have a while to go. maybe sit down with him and try to explain to him (in kid form of course lol) that what he is doing is wrong and he shouldn't be doing that and put him in a time out. or maybe threaten to take one of his favorite toys away if he doesn't stop. hope this helps. best of luck =]

  10. Ok now my 23 month old will throw her toys all around but when it come to my house and things that aren't toys...She knows I DON'T PLAY. I will tear her legs up. She is at the point now where I can tell her 1 maybe 2 times but the 3rd time she knows is the time when she is getting it. She rarely makes it to the 3rd time. lol

  11. He is almost two, so you could do a modified sort of time out thing.  Just tell him that when Mommy says no, not to do something, he needs to stop.  Tell him that those things are important to mommy and daddy, and he needs to be careful.  I would just explain to him that no means to stop, and if he doesn't, he will have to sit down for 2 minutes.  He will catch on when he realizes that he doesn't get to play when he doesn't listen.  might take a little time for him to fully understand, but it will be worth it.  

  12. when you enact discipline, you dont have to spank or anything like that, just pick him up and put him in his crib/playpen/room whatever

    saying no is obviously not working..

  13. hi

    the best way to tell him to stop is when ever he does that give him a pat on the hand and telling him not to do that it worked for me also give him like a small time out of something like that

    good luck

  14. spank him, put him in time out, u need to start being the parent, not a friend, just kidding, but seriously, u need to spank

  15. well duh your kid can hear but he is a 21 month year old he is ONLY A BABY . what you need to do is show him how to pick stuff up. yelling doesn't do anything either it just makes him not want to listen trust me i know from experience as a teenager.  

  16. You mean your 21 month old DOESN'T listen to anything.

    Maybe if you learned to communicate yourself your child would have more respect for you.  Oh yeah, that and doing some actual parenting.

  17. u cant just say no, that doesn't mean anything, to tech ur child to listen they need to be punished. spank, time out, slap a hand, he 21 months punishment would have been best shortly after 1, but now is better then never. he will still most likely occasionally do things hes not supposed to, but then u can say if u do it again u get a spanking or a time out and he should listen better.

  18. he will only do things you have let him get away with at least ONCE in his life....If you really want him to stop, you have to stick to it, if you let it slip once, he will try to test you forever!...Spanking DOES NOT help! Time out, or taking away a toy, works better. Be careful so you're not overdoing it also, after all he's only a baby! Also, be sure to let him know when he does things RIGHT...that's encouraging for him to stay that way, because he'll know he can still have your attention, and all the glory along with it!...But just remember to keep child safety around your house, try to remove things he can hurt himself with from his reach(even if that includes some decoration on the coffee table, it may be beautiful, expensive, but heavy and pointy...things like that). Don't show him you're stressed by it, be calm, enjoy your baby, and remember kids do the darnest things, and they are cute when doing it too..they'll grow up so fast and you'll be wishing to have these little times back with them...

    God Bless!!!

  19. Give him a spanking, he can do better than that at almost 2 years old.

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