
My 21 month old son is not talking yet.?

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I don't know how much I should worry about it. He is very intelligent and has been on target with all other milestones, just not speech. I know he understands language very well, since I can give him directions and he can follow them perfectly. He even tells me if he has to go potty now, except he just pats on his butt to tell me. haha

Anyway, I was just wondering what could possibly be the cause of the speech delay? He says "woof" when he sees an animal (he thinks all animals bark like a dog), he says uh-oh when he spills or something, and he says wow (that one is new) when he sees something he likes.

I just don't understand why the only "words" he wants to say are more like sounds and things. No real words. Oh, he started saying bye-bye a lot, but it only lasted 2 days!




  1. my oldest was 3 1/2 before talking too. i would also call your local school and find out if they have a speech program offered by the state. in the state of kansas is infant and toddler services a tiny k speech program. they come to your house like once a week if you want them to and they will help with the speech part. your can also get him involved in parents as teachers. they have it here in the state of kansas and i would also ask your school if they have that by you. they will also come to your house and help with the speech but, then at the same time here in kansas they leave toys with you to play with, give you ideas on "rainy day activities", and will give you ideas on how to do daily things. i know he's not ready for potty training yet but, they'll give you flyer's on potty training. they were doing sign language with my oldest and she picked it up even when she go into school. half the time i didn't understand the sign language cause i was never taught it. but, any who i would start there and see where they want you to go.  my oldest at 18 months was saying mom, dad, no, hi, bye, cow, and moo.  at 2 it was maybe 50 words.  at 2.5 maybe 100, at 3 it was maybe 150.  by the time she was 3.5 she was talking in full complete sentences.  i would go and ger her evaluted by the speech pathologist and see what he/she says.  the speech pathologists here in kansas visit your house and it's a free service.  i would also get her ears checked.  my oldest has fluid in her ears at 16 months old and the pediatrician told me that that was probably one reason why she's wasn't talking.  

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I would have him evaluated by your local early intervention program. It is free and I know he would qualify for free therapy too.

    My first thought is that he has some type of apraxia. He sounds so much like my son who has developmental apraxia. My son said 10 words at 24 months old, and tended to say "uh" for everything else. He has been in speech therapy for 6 months now and has made a ton of progress.Does your son drool? Does he stuff food in his mouth? Can he l**k his top lip? can he move his tongue from side to side? can he puff his cheeks full of air? blow raspberries? If the answer to the first 2 is yes, and any of the others is no, he may have an apraxia problem. I have an article that I found recently that I can e-mail you as an attachment if you send me your e-mail address. It is very well written and made a ton of sense to me...I even gave my son's speech therapist a copy!

  3. Bring him to some speech therapy. =]

  4. i was worried about my son too when he was 23 months because he wasnt really saying anything but one word things and talking like he was from china. (no offence to anyone)

    but dont worry hes almost 25 months now and starting to say three and four word sentences. it happened over night.

    when you talk to him instead of saying something like "go over there and get your sip cup" say "get me your sippy" shrink your sentences so its easier for him to say.

  5. You should probably discuss it with his pediatrician.  At 18 months old they should be saying 6 "words".  By 24 months, they should be putting 2-4 words together making small sentences.  Yes there will be mumbeling it's not going to be perfectly clear but they should be able to do that at 2.  If you're at 21 mos and don't do even the 6 words or more, the dr. needs to be informed.  They'll probably recommend a speech therapist.  Best of luck

  6. My nephew is 2 years old and he is perfectly smart, just like your son, and he just started speaking in sentences now, but it's still not crystal clear and he doesn't really tell us about stuff that has happened like memories yet, but he tells us when he's hurt. (His 11 month brother learned how to hit) And he always says Isaac hit me. Don't worry about it he will be talking in no time.

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