
My 21 month old son won't eat, HELP

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my son has never been a big eater, maybe two spoon fulls of food a day, and for the past month he has refused everything, he has about 4 pints of milk a day, i have tried not giving him milk, but still he won't eat, i am really concerned now as i have just took him to doctors and the health visitor and they don't seem interested even though they said he might end up anemic, please can somebody give me some advice?




  1. rather than having sit down meals try giving him cheerios in a bowl or something to carry around in.. give him travel snacks  he will eat when hungry . Kids at his age are curious and would rather play than eat

  2. I would cut back o his milk, I know you said he still doesn't eat, but he will never eat if he's full on milk. At that age I believe they shouldn't have more than around 20 oz a milk a day. Try little snack foods like the gerber bites so it has some nutritional value. Stay away from sugary snacks and offer healthy treats. When you eat meals fix him a small plate of what you're eating and give it too him. Don't force him to eat, you're simply giving him the option and don't worry, He'll eat when he's hungry.

  3. OMG!! I just went thru the same thing with my daughter (she just turned 2 last month). I remembered my older kids doing the same thing when they were younger but I called the doctor just to be on the safe side and said it's nothing to worry about. I did buy her NutriPals [pediasure drink] because they can be used as a sole source of nutrition [exactly like "ensure" for adults] and she loved it! They have chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. It's worth a try!! Good luck =)

  4. Well i have a 19 month old and every once and a while he wont eat. All that i do is to give him a few days and if he still does not want to eat i make sure to give him at least three sippies of juicy juice harvest surprise, that way he gets his fruits and vegetables. and if he still wont eat you may have to force him to eat by opening his mouth yourself.  

  5. The advice given to us when one of mine stopped eating, was that they probably didn't need to. Kids sometimes go through phases where they eat very little, or eat a single food which, while it did freak me out a bit, apparently is quite normal.

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