
My 21 year old friend has never had a period, and she is concerned.?

by  |  earlier

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she is 21 and never had a period. no cramps. no complications. she just dont wanna go to the doctor. i know everyone is gonna suggest she see a doctor. but you have to realize, she is very self conscious and does not want to see a doctor yet. if anyone knows of a situation like this, please share your storie. thank you.




  1. okay, maybe she's self conscious but this is a serious problem. she could have a very serious health issue that NEEDS to be addressed by a doctor. normally, if a girl hasnt gotten her period by 17 doctors are concerned. 21 could be a major problem. i don't care if she's self conscious- if you were a good friend, you would urge her to go see her doctor because you guys wont be able to do anything. i know someone who stopped getting her period very young and now she cant have kids. eventually, a doctor is going to find out and it'll be embarrassing for her when that happened so she should just buck up and tell him/her.

  2. she might want to do see a doctor..

    cause i dont think thats normal

    and if she wants kids in the future.. she might want to do

  3. Your "friend" may not have ovaries

  4. I've never heard of someone being that old without having a period!  You really need to tell your friend that she needs to just suck it up and go see a doctor immediately!  There could be a serious problem and it's worth being a little uncomfortable for 10 minutes to figure out what's going on.

  5. She has to see a doctor..its common sense.  if not, then she must not care about having children one day.  please tell her to go


  7. maybe SHE is actually a HE?

  8. my sister in law went through the same thing. She does not have a period unless she is on birth control, and she is 33.

    Her diagnosis was PCOS polycycstic ovarie synrome.

    Your friend may also have a hormonal imbalance.

  9. this is VERY sereous, she could have cancer in the overies witch as we all know cancer can SPREAD!

    she also may not have overies, trust me, I was 7 when I had cancer and it ruined my overies, im now 15 and I will NOT have a period and I cannot have a kid because the cancer ruined me :(

    They have me on hormone pills so its helping me along with my 'growth'

    also if your friend is completely flat theres a good chancer theres something attacking her overies or she dosent have any.

    Get her to go to a docter!

  10. the only time i've ever heard about something like that happening is when the girl is super athletic.

  11. She might have Ovarie Cancer

  12. She has to go to the doctor thats the only way to know whats wrong. Im 21 and i have been having my period since i was 12.

  13. maybe shes a man

  14. she HAS to see a doctor. she probably wont be able to have children

  15. She *should* be concerned, and she should have seen a doctor about this at least 3 years ago.

    Tell her to get an appointment with a gynecologist right away... any 21 year old who's never menstruated has a *very* unhealthy reproductive system, and it needs to be diagnosed.

  16. DOCTOR!!

  17. Tell "her" to go to a doctor asap. that means she might have something wrong with her, cancer, infertility, internal bleeding, cyst, toxins building up in her body, god intended us to havea peroid to help get rid of toxins in our bodies. 21?  why has "she" waited so long to go, go now!!!!!!!

  18. i think it could be a problem with her ovaries that she needs to check up on asap. and get a blood test to make sure things are alright.

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