
My 22 month old son has been vomiting and has had diahrea for almost four days. Help!?

by Guest64366  |  earlier

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He started by vomiting on Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. Then diahrea all day Wednesday andThursday and Friday. I took him to the Dr. on Friday. She said it's probably a little virus. He hasn't eaten anything but a piece of cracker or a cheerio since Tuesday. Everytime he eats he has diahrea. Now this morning, Saturday he is throwing up again. His stomache is so empty. He takes a drink then about 15 minutes later he throws it up. I gave pedialyte until yesterday and he won't take it anymore Giving gatorade and sprite now. Any advice. Have tried the BRATY diet, he won't eat any of it. Any advice? Wives tales? Anything will help. He has never been sick like this.




  1. Get him to the ER fast!!!

  2. take him to the ER otherwise he will get dehydrated

  3. He needs the attention of a medical professional (i.e. call your doctor), rather than "wives tales" from anonymous strangers.

  4. He needs to be seen by a competent medical doctor, preferably a pediatrician.....if you don't have one, please take him to the closest emergency room....A virus will cause a few days of diarrhea and vomiting, but not this severe and this long.....he needs some medical help.....Good luck.

  5. Hospital now. My daughter got a similar thing at same age and got happens really fast.

  6. could be the rotovirus...i agree with the other post...just go to the emergency room....if he becomes dehydrated that could be bad.

  7. no food till he's better.  continue to push fluids & include lotsa popsicles.  only give diluted Gatorade as it's too strong at full strength.  contact the pediatrician or take him to the ER.

  8. Diarrhea is the bodies way of flushing the virus out of the digestive tract.

    How much drink are you giving at a time?

    Give him just a tiny bit at a time.  Try a tablespoon every 15 minutes and see if you can get him to keep some fluids down.

    If you cannot, I'm sorry to say, you're probably gonna need to go to the ER for intravenous fluids.

  9. I would be taking him to the emergency department as 4 days of constant vomiting and diahrea will lead to dehydration.

    If a child vomits any more then 24 hours, then there is a need for concern.

  10. Gatorade should help keep him hydrated. If he isn't eating there's really nothing you can do until he feels better but make sure he's hydrated. Also try the pedialyte popsicles and saltines may help him stop vomiting.

  11. No disrespect but....get off of Yahoo Answers and go to an E.R. NOW! He's been like this for too long and he really needs medical attention...good luck! Keep us posted..

  12. It's probably just the flu or other tummy virus.  But you need to be concerned about dehydration if he is not keeping anything down.  Is he peeing?  If you pinch his skin lightly, does it stay pinched-looking or does it return to normal?  does he have a fever?  Does he have tears when he cries?  These are all signs of dehydration.  

    Since it's the week-end, I would take him to emerg just to be sure he is not dehydrated.  Dehydration is very serious in babies and very young children.  The doctors in emerg will try to give him fluids, i.e. pedialyte and popsicles, and see if he keeps it down. If he does, they will likely send you home.  If he doesn't, they will put an intravenous in and keep him until he can drink and eat without vomiting or having diarrhea.

    Good luck!

    Edit - Take the advice of the people saying "GET HIM TO THE ER STAT!" with a grain of salt please.  Although he does need to be checked out, he's not going to die in the next couple of hours (unless you have been extremely negligent and your baby hasn't peed for a couple of days, which I highly doubt).  Chances are, when you get to emerg, you are likely going to be waiting for a while anyway, if they are busy.  They will take heart attack patients and ambulances ahead of a child with the flu.  I recently posted a question asking for advice about a yeast infection for my baby.  We have a doctor's appointment on Monday.  But some brainiac said I better get her to the emerg department now to be checked out!! LOL. Can you imagine how long we'd be waiting to be seen for something like that??

  13. PLEASE, do not waste any more time reading advice from anyone (myself included!) ---TAKE HIM TO A DOCTOR NOW.  If you do not have insurance and/or cannot afford a "traditional" doctor visit, there are free clinics available.  Call your local United Way for information but get him to a doctor!  A 22 month old is not able to tolerate dehydration.  This is a serious situation and needs to be seen to at once!

  14. I would take him to the ER! He may be dehydrated.

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