
My 22 month old son throws terrible tantrums is this normal what do i do?

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My son is turning 2 in August. he throws tantrums like you have never seen before. Sometimes when he throws tantrums i feel like getin mad!ughhh its so frustrating. When he even hears the word "no" he throws himself on the floor and starts bangin his head of the floor. im scared he is gonna give himself a concussion. does anyone have any techniques or anything, or why he does this? im losing. ooo and i have a 4 month old daughter i know what you're thinking its the new baby he might be reacting to..but this started when he was 16 months.




  1. He's old enough now to understand you. I've started using the "choice" technique.

    I give my son two choices and let him decide.

    For example, we read books every night then he gets in bed and goes to sleep. Lately he doesn't want to go to sleep, so when I tell him it's time to read he throws a fit.

    When he does this I very calmly say, "do you want to read books with mommy or do you want to go to bed now?

    So far, every time  I've done this he'll stop crying and come and sit down with me.

    Also when he doesn't want to eat dinner, instead of saying, "if you don't eat you're going to time out", I'll say, "do you want to eat dinner or do you want to go to time out?". And of course he says he'd rather eat.

    At two they are starting to realise that they are independent little people with their own opinions. By giving them choices they feel they have more control of what's happening to them.

  2. I have an idea why dont you try give him a good hearty spanking

  3. Well I definately feel your pain!! My daughter just turned three and I have a 4 month old as well and my daughter is the queen of throwing tantrums. She will scream about you said, she can't hear the word "no" because the waterworks and screaming will start.

    The way I somewhat deal with it is...I just simply take her by the hand...lead her to her room, close the door, and tell her she can come out when and if she stops crying. Sometimes I compromise with her, other times I try distracting her, and there are days when I am just so drained and just plain ignore her!

    I just think it's just part of her stubborn personality... I mean she is not spoiled by me at all! She has always had a fiery personality...even as a baby. Just as long as you are consistent with how you deal with it (believe me there are days when she is SOO bad, we just spend the days in and out of time outs) and have the patience of a saint you can get through it.

    Oh and as far as being in public....believe me my daughter has thrown some of her best tantrums out in public...and despite being VERY emberrasing I simply just pick her up and go one likes to see a screaming child wailing on the floor while mom tries to compromise with them.

  4. My Daughter and my neice were exactly the same around the same age (no wonder I'm going grey...) yeah its bloody frustrating but as hard as it is try not to show any emotion. Go into another room, clean up around him. Don't raise your voice but be very firm , next trick he will try is holding his breath and they can do it until they go blue !!! If your worried about the head banging place him somewhere with carpet or put a pillow under him. Stand strong he will grow out of it if he knows you wont back down. My daughter screamed on a bus trip for a full 20 minutes until she fell asleep, now shes 6 years old and hasn't thrown a tantrum in three years. He could be reacting to the baby so make sure when he is good that you give him praise and attention for it that should lessen the jealousy factor. Chin up and Good Luck !!!

  5. This is very normal for two year old.children. He is trying to try your patience just to get your attention and get his way. You need to ignore him and if you have to then leave the room every time he does this. he will then in time realize that no matter what he does he will not have his own way. Be firm but never paddle him or strike him just go about your business. He will not hurt himself. This is how they make us as parents get scared and think they will hurt themselves. Once you ignore him and be consistent about it you will see a difference, but give it time and don't baby him about it later. persistence. is always the answer.

  6. it could have been the pregnancy and new baby makes it worse , but honestly sometimes kids just throw horrible fits and your like OMG i punish him properly i do i really do why does he keep doing this and he is  acting like I do nothing and bla bla bla. kids are kids and yours just has a temper right now your best bet is find his weak spot..... some kids dont like you to point out the fit like put him in front of a mirror and say hey look how silly you look... or try taking a fav toy untill he stops it ...or encourage the fit (sounds crazy but sometimes they do it to push your buttons) if your encouraging it telling him to go ahead make it good get louder he may go huh what .. or just ignore him all together he throws a fit you get up a go on as if he is doing nothing ------ you just have to find what it is that drives your kid to stop..........  hope i helped

  7. Yes, for the most part, it's normal.  Ignoring him is probably your best only throw tantrums because it gets their parents' attention.  Generally, when they don't get the desired result, they'll quit.

    If you're out in public, and can't let it continue, then tell him directly that if he doesn't start behaving, then you'll have to go home...and then go home, if he doesn't.  I know this means you might have to run your errands again later, but it's not okay to let him think he can get his way by acting out.  It will only take once or twice for this method to work, as long as you mean it when you say it.

    I remember the last time I threw a tantrum.  It was before my parents got their washer & dryer, and we had to go to the laundromat.  While we were waiting for the laundry, my mom got us cracker jacks...I don't remember what it was, but something about my cracker jacks got me mad (I think my sister got a better prize than me, or something).  I threw myself on the floor, started screaming, and flailing my arms and legs around.  To this day, I remember the look on my mom's face as she stood there laughing at me...she was pointing at me, and showing everyone else at the laundromat how funny my tantrum was.  It didn't take long for me to realize that I wasn't going to get what I wanted, and that I was making a fool out of myself.  I never tried it again.

  8. Quite normal for a child to do , its called the terrible twos

  9. It is normal.

    But there are things you can do. If he throws a fit out in public, take him to the car or outside, and have him sit there and throw his fit. Ignore him the best you can and finally when he realizes he isn't paying attention he'll stop. And once he stops explain why he can't have the toy. If hed does it again, take him home. However, if he throws a tatrum for more then 10 mintues then I'd just leave wherever you are, because chances are he needs a nap. And when he gets home, make sure he takes one.

    If your outside when he throws the tantrum, down let him beat his head into the grass or concreate, bring a pillow in your baby bag for those occasions.

    When your at home, do kind of the same thing, but put him in his room. But make sure nothing hard is around him or put him in his bed so he's not banging himself on the head on the hard floor. And at home if his tantrums last more then 10 minutes, just let him contunie.

    Also tell him that it's not okay to throw a fit and you cannot get EVERYTHING you want.

  10. It is normal. But, maybe some disipline would do good for him. It's not's discipline. Do not give in. If you do it'll show him that he can get away with anything. He'll probably become a spoiled brat. Let him do his tantrums, just ignore him.

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