
My 22 mth old wont sleep in toddler bed, slept in crib fine with a schedule. Should i put crib back up?

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Bath, book, bed at 8:30 every night worked like magic until his sister was born. Now it is chaos at bedtime, he wont stay still long enough for a "back rub" or book, or ne thing. It was easy with the crib b/c he had no way to escape. Should i just do what mommy dearest would do, strap him in? Oh ya, putting him back in his bed over and over and over and over and over and over and over again all night long always results in bruising so thats out of the question. i need a miracle




  1. When I started using a toddler bed with my two I would lay with them and read them a book and stay until they were completely out.  Also, it might help if you have a comforter on the bed of a character they like or a couple of their favorite stuffed animals.  I have also cheated and put a TV in the bedroom with a DVD player and during the day we have layed in the bed watching TV and fell asleep for a nap, then occasionally as a treat I let them watch a movie before bed, I pop some popcorn and stay in there with them, until they just go out.  I know it's probably not the best parenting skills, but it has worked for me.  For the first few nights they would wake up and still come down the hall and get in our bed, which I didn't mind, but the routine at bed stayed the same, until eventually they have slept most nights in their own beds.  Good luck

  2. I think most children go through these changes in sleep patterns at one point or another.  I know my daughter STILL likes to get out of her bed and come in our room, and she's four!  :)  I know how frustrating it can be, especially when it goes on and on and sleep deprivation kicks in.  But it results in bruising?  That doesn't sound good.... although I'm not sure what you mean by that.  I also wouldn't recommend strapping him in to anything, as that is dangerous in several ways.  (Maybe you were kidding?  I hope...)  Anyhow, I think you should do whatever you can to make his bed more appealing to him.  And, like someone else mentioned, my daughter wouldn't do the toddler bed either, but liked a twin mattress!  Good luck, and be patient!  He's still so little, and probably just wants to be near you.  This is especially true if new baby sleeps with you, and he's just feeling lonely or left out.  

  3. Yes!  Put the crib back up.  I feel that two years old is much too young for a toddler bed anyway.  Children are, and feel, safe and secure in cribs.  And a toddler bed at this age just creates an unnecessary disciplinary issue.  Give yourself, and your baby, a break.  Put the crib back up.

  4. It just sounds like he's not ready for it, don't worry, it won't be long before he will be!  Just try to make him feel secure in there as much as possible.

  5. I would probably wait a little while or you can do stuff that will make him want to be in a big boy bed,  My son wouldn't sleep in a toddler bed so we put up a twin bed; he has slept in it since we put it up.  

  6. Please help me with the same thing!!! I just put my youngest 24 month old into a toddler bed and she will not stay in it either. I am having trouble right now trying to keep her there for a nap. We do the over and over thing for about an hour. I have spanked her before to no avail. I also want to put up the crib again. IF you find your miracle please send it my way when your done with it. IF I find it first I will do the same. Good Luck and Happy Sanity Check!

  7. My son started crawling out of his crib at 10 months so we had to switch to a toddler bed. We baby proofed the whole room and it is pretty hit or miss as to whether he stays in the toddler bed or ends up sleeping in a pile of toys. Just put him in there and let him cry. Put a door know safety thing on the door so he can't get out without you. it will probably take a week or 2 for him to get used to it...but he will.

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