
My 22m old daughter has had a fever all day, took her to the ER...?

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My 22month old daughter has had a fever since waking up Monday morning. She woke up crying, which led to her vomiting flem. I gave her Tylenol and cold baths throughout the day, she wasn't getting any better and was needing more Tylenol before the 6 hours had passed. At 9pm I took her to the ER (103.4 temp). They did a strep throat test and a UTI test which turned out negative, they sent us home, told us to give her over the counter Motrin every 6 hours for the next 24hrs and if the fever persists take her to her pediatrician.

It's not yet time for her next dose, but she is burning up. I can't bear to see my daughter like this, she looks very drowsy when she is awake, and just stares at me doesn't want to talk or hug or kiss it's scaring me and breaking my heart. Earlier her hole body was hot, now her feet are very cold. It's 4am where I am and I'm scared to sleep, I feel I have to sit and watch her.

I'm seeking very much needed advice.

Thank you




  1. Well, first don't worry

    B/c babies can sense stress and fear

    I would lay her down and put on like a movie, she should relax and possibly fall asleep ( i'm sure she is tired) but then i would give her  lwater or juice, but no milk for sure.

    strip her, put her into a light onezie, to cool her off some.

    Try to distract her do something she loves.Just dont get her to crazy.My nieces doctor reccomends luke warm baths b/c babies have a hard time adjusting their body temps.

    NO i wouldn't go to sleep until she was sleeping

    btw: my nieces experience this alot, don't worry unless it get too high, like 105

  2. I would take her back to the ER and let them know she's no better. They should call your Dr. and he should admit her to the hospital. That's where the little thing needs to be. I hope she feels better soon!

  3. All parents feel stressed by their sick baby. You are doing everything correctly. Just keep monitoring her fever. As long as her temp is not getting higher than she'll be ok. I would avoid the cold baths as that can be stressful for the baby. I would just dab her with a cool rag. If she's not better by morning go ahead and call her pediatrician.

  4. Just hold her. You can go back and forth with tylenol and motrin, so she's getting a dose every 3 hours. Did they check her ears? If this continues all night, take her back to the ER.

  5. Take her to the er!!!!!! Again tell them its not working!

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