
My 23-month old daughter is curious... (mature ppl only)?

by Guest56083  |  earlier

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So my 23 month old daughter knows pretty much all her body parts... but she has now noticed that she has a v****a... but I'm not really sure what an appropriate name for it is... I have been told that 'privates' is fine.... which is what i was taught when i was little... anyone else had a similar situation?





  1. it is called a "sissy" is my family   sounds weird to type it out but that is what we called it

  2. if you teach her v****a she might embarrass you by using it one time.

    there was a celeb who was truthful with her daughter who knew her body parts and she fell once and she told her mom that she hurt her v****a...well the people in the store were shocked and (probably laughing) so she had to have her switch it to princess.

    if you have a boy is he going to call his privates also? because that might raise more questions? like well why don't our privates look the same?

  3. lol, my daughter is 4 and just calls it her "pee pee"

    some other common ones are;




    coochee lol

    good luck :)

  4. I have heard people call it things like flower, privates and many other things. But honestly. It is what it is. Children are children, they are honest and just a sponge at what they pick up around them. I think if you call it v****a and teach them respect and its not something to just blurt out... it would be fine. my two daughters asked about it and what it was called and what about boys. I told them. But when you teach them to respect what they have and respect for others they will understand one day. At 2 years old they are just more curious and could probably care less about making it funny. They just want to know. Remember they react on your reaction. Good luck and do whats comfortable for you.

  5. Hummm... I agree to Private parts I believe a lot of kids that age are being taught private parts. I dont believe in teaching a child to call their lower body parts exactly what it is. I mean it just sounds tooo graphic to me. Although I find myself tellin my son its his pee pee... I dont know if thats a bad thing but at least I am not callin it a D" so I mean its truly your choice but keep in mind whatever name you teach her to say it follows her in public places as well. So surely you wouldnt want your child saying this is my V*** I dont know thats a good one. but hope my comment helped some!

  6. The split.

    It is perfect because it is funny when little kids call it that and it isn't dirty.

  7. i know the word 'v****a' is not the nicest thing to hear from a two year old, but i think its appropriate for her to call it what it is..  we dont teach children to call their arms anything but arms, or ears anything but ears..   ive heard teaching nicknames for vaginas and penises teaches children to feel a sort of shame about that part of their body..  i dont think ive ever heard a doctor use nicknames..

  8. my sons little 2 year old girl friend calls it a whowho it is kinda cute and not nasty sounding and she can say it for a boy also. Just in case she sees a baby boy getting changed or something you can just say that is the boys whowho. lol

  9. My daughter is 22 months old and we call it a koo koo and poo poo. She knows very well what it is. It is so funny we went on vacation back home to NYC and my nephew is a few months younger then her and I was changing his pamper she was mesmerized. She looked up at me and said that's no poo poo. I had to explain to her at 22 months that girls have a poo poo and boys have a pee pee. I laughed so hard. I know I will have to have plenty more talks with her. WOW

  10. You know, my mom came right off and told me what everything really was - v****a and p***s. If you're uncomfortable, then shorten the names, gina and nis or peener, pee pee. I know it sounds silly, but if you're uncomfy with v****a.

    I think it'll help with potty training, and won't confuse anyone else if you have them watch her. She'll be like, my gaga hurts. They're gonna be like "what?"...

    I don't know. Its hard for parents, because we see them as little things... Pretty much, without brains.

    I think its better to get to the point and not be confusing.

    As for potty training. I'm trying to get my daughter to pee, but she's been told "peepee" is her v****a, so she has no idea what the heck I'm talking about. She associates p**p with p**p AND pee.

    Last example - when you talk to a kid more like they can understand you, like they're intelligent, they're more likely to pick that up. My daughter - I talked to her like I would you, and she is very smart, and knows and says a lot of things. She still can't be understood by many. But, she can speak and communicate with me.

    My son, I baby-talked with him, and he is 16mths and can't talk. I know boys are slower, but I think it had to do with babying him, regardless.

  11. we when were lil my mom called a "toto" as in twotwo. idk. my son is 4 and recently came up to me and asked me what kind of peepee he had. I was totallly thrown off that i made him repeat it like three times!! lol I found myself stuck and just decided to be honest with him that its called a p***s. He then asked me what a girls peepee was called and i told him it was a vaginia. then that was it

  12. My cousin's sister taough her 2 year old to call it "********"

  13. The appropriate name for v****a is v****a.  What is an appropriate name for an arm or a leg?

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