
My 23 month old giving trouble with taking a nap.?

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so my daughter was a great napper but the last 3 days she just plays in her room. She is in a toddler bed because she was climbing out of her crib and she has been doing great with the toddler bed. So all of the sudden just sits in her room entertaining herself. She isn't crying she is just playing. Has anyone had this happen....what should i do. She usually gets up between 7-8am, i put her down around 12:30-1pm for a nap and she sleeps for about 2 hours. Then i put her down for the night at around 8:30 and it usually takes her about 30 min for her to fall asleep but i don't have an issue with that.

What should i do? Please responses from parents who have experineced this.




  1. my daughter did the same thing when she stopped taking naps. all children are different... not all children require a nap everyday.. she might be one of those kids... as long as she is being well behaved and quiet then everything is fine. everyday just have her go in the room and have "quiet time" even if she does not sleep that is fine... but she knows that is the time to calm down...

  2. My aunt had the same problem..

    When you switch the babies bed from a crib to a toddler bed it usually tends to take a while until your child gets use to the bed.

    Also I suggest not giving your child naps during the day, because that could keep her from falling asleep during the night.

    It's not a serious issue don't worry...just give her some time until she gets use to the new changes.

  3. I have 4 kids, I promise you she is trying to phase out her nap.  It happens at about this age and it MAY pick back up once she starts preschool, but I highly doubt it, mine never did.  She's getting plenty of sleep at night, she no longer requires the same amount of sleep she used to.  Call it quiet time now instead of nap time, so you still get your break and go ahead and let her play quietly in her room so you can get your stuff done.

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