
My 25yr old brother still expects my mum to cook meals for him? is he being ungreatful?

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My mum is now a 43yr old woman & my brother still lives with my mum cause he reckons he never wants to rent in his life he just wants to go straight to buying a house but that isnt going to happen any time soon, i myself is 21 & have my own house, but he still lives with mum & is always picking at her for little things like the house is ''too messy'' he is just a neat freak i think! my mum is a single mother getting up at 4am & working her *** off to keep a roof under her head & my brothers & to pay bills & i know she tries & does the best she can she bends over backwards to help everyone & anything & its still not good enough to my brother he acts like he has it hard done by but he doesnt my mum doesnt have a husband like he sees all his friends mums with one thats why he is angry, my mum left my dad cause he had an alcohol drinking problem & he cheated on her :( :S & mum has always made dinner & ever since we were little kids & personally i think my mum should stop doing things for my brother like how he complains how their is no tea cooked when he is now a grown man he doesnt have a job he just gets money from the doll & i feel so sorry for mum cause its not her fault, dad always walked out on us when we were kids cause my dad isnt family orintated & his friends & alcohol always mattered more than us kids & my mum she she left him after 24yrs :/ my brother also hits his girlfriend & yells really loud in her face when she does the littliest things wrong but my brother only gets that from my dad cause thats all dad taught him to be like cause my dad was also abusive to my mum & thats what my brother has grown up to see so now he does it & cant help it, what do i do? i feel sorry for my mummy i love her so much !!! one day she wont be here anymore. my brother doesnt realise it could be worst & he has it better than some people out there doesnt he?




  1. Time for Mom to get a new male companion who will show him the door gradually. To the curb time for this parasite.

  2. Your brother is in need of whats called a kickie up the buttie, his small mind is very small indeed, and only laps up what is important to himself, UNTILL someone shows him who's BOSS, your silly brother will be crying like the true baby he is, trust me ive been there, and thanked for it.

  3. I wouldn't say ungreatful I would say spiled rotten and a lazy as s.  Your mother needs to grow a back bone and tell this lazy punk to get his butt out and stay out.  

  4. he sounds like a user, control freak.  he should get a life of his own, move out, and grow up.  if you and your mum just stop putting up with him, and stop cooking and doing stuff, he'll hafta do it himself.  someone should report him for hitting his girlfriend.  good luck, hope you can shake him off, mate.

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