
My 29 month old son was going on the potty mostly pooping and now he stopped.?

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I alternated from pull ups and diapers which i think might have been the problem but he wont pee in the toilet all the time and he was pooping consistently. Should I go for the gold and try big boy undies to try and eliminate the comfort of diapers? He is so close so I dont want to blow it, we need to get over the hump here to potty success. Help anyone who has the perfect solution.




  1. It is probably time for big boy underwear.Try that and if he still decides to go in his pants,then threaten him with a baby diaper.It worked for my 2 1/2 yr old daughter.

  2. I think going to underwear will be the last big step for your son. He will learn how uncomfortable having wet underwear is and will hopefully want to use the bathroom instead. Have him clean up his own messes to keep him from pooping and wetting himself. He sounds like he is getting there so just keep at it.  Good luck.

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