
My 29 year old Friend smokes weed should he be taken outside and shot for being a waste or can you be a good?

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person and a pot head he has an 8 year old son who he is very close with i think drug taking should stop when there are responsiblities like job partner children any opinions




  1. Would you rather he be an alcoholic? Or a junkie?

    Honestly if the governments of the world stopped misleading everyone about 'bad' drugs we might be able to get away from some of these stereotypes.

    Out of all the recreational drugs, including alcohol, pot is the least dangerous and causes far less social problems. Especially when lined up next to alcohol pot looks very, very tame.

    Just imagine the raging nightclub district of your city. I don't know about you but Northbridge (Perth, Western Australia) has had massive problems with violence due to excessive alcohol consumption amongst other things.

    Now if you were to put a cafe strip near the nightclub precinct based on Amsterdam's cafes I wonder which area would see more problems and antisocial behaviour?

    Anyways dude, the way to look at it is not to look at the stoner but to look at the parent. You say he's close to his son. If on top of that he is a really good parent what's the problem?

  2. My dad smokes weed, and it doesn't matter that he kept it away from me, i still knew...

    Children aren't stupid.

    Personally i hate the fact my dad does it, but i have no say because it's his choice.

    He says it doesn't affect him, but if it had no effects he wouldn't smoke it in the first place. It "Calms" him down, but i can't say it makes him any worse as a person...your friend needs to know his limits, to make sure he doesn't lose sight of his responsibilities.  

  3. you arent being very clear (or a particularly good friend) here.  is he smoking constantly or just every few days or once in a blue moon.  if he is close with his son then that is great - sounds to me like he's a good dad.  yes he should pick his time for a joint etc (kid must be tucked up in bed/never in the house/dont let kid see him/when the child is away etc) but a bit of pot smoking does not make you a really bad parent.  

  4. You'd be surprised at the amount of people holding down families and positions of responsibility who take recreational drugs regularly. It's all down to how the individual is affected by the drug. Personally, I'm bugger all use to anyone if I've had a smoke.

  5. As long as it's not affecting him too much and taking over his life, no, it shouldn't make any difference.

    All my friends smoke it and are all really nice, intelligent people with responsibilities and good jobs.

    None of them drink very much and prefer the effects of weed. No hangover, not as expensive etc. Not to mention the fact that you are still in control when you are stoned and don't do anything near as silly as when you are drunk.

    The only difference I can see is that alcohol is more widely socially accepted as it is legal, whereas pot isn't.

    In my opinion it doesn't cause anywhere near as much damage as alcohol.

    Think about it - if you are walking down a dark alley at night, would you rather be approached by a group of lads who are tanked up on Stella or a group of lads who are stoned?

    I know which I'd prefer.

  6. Just an long as he keeps it away from his kid..theres no problem at all, and it shouldnt concern anyone you drink alcohol? lots do and thats a much more dangerous drug than cannabis (fair play if you dont, just making the point that lots of people see it as different because its legal).  I have seen plenty of parents drunk and in charge of their that worries me waaay more

  7. After growing up with someone who did and still dose smoke pot and seeing how it has effected our family and them to the point where when you see them you don't know what mood there going to be in and you have to walk on egg shells around them I wouldn't want any child to go through what we went through. this person started smoking it for a medical pain relief trial. When are we going to wake up to the truth. It dose effect everyone around them regardless and in the long term it is harmful as it up sets the chemical balance in the brain and has been linked to triggering some mental illnesses.    

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