
My 2br 1bath 900 sq ft is being appraised for 470k,after the following renovations what could my new appraisal

by Guest44637  |  earlier

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be? renovated home would be : 1200 sq feet, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, upgraded kitchen.(kitchen upgraded to granite, stainless steel appliances, master bedroom would have its own bathroom. Hardwood floors throughout. $120,000 construction costs. House is also being raised 2 feet to limit risk of flooding.




  1. Your overall new appraisal would depend on these items, obviously, but it also takes into account other things like where it is located, how much property is it built on, whether or not it meets the most current building codes for your locality, and even the value of the homes and properties located nearby. The best thing you can do is to talk to whoever did your 470k appraisal and get their opinion on what the new appraisal will be, since they are the most familiar with your home's specifics.

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