
My 2nd grader had to watch 2 "Goosebumps" episodes and he's upset and scared, anyone know about this?

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Today in school they watched a cartoon in the am, then they were allowed to play computer games (not educational .... he says), then because one of the teachers wasn't there they watched 2 episodes of "Goosebumps." We don't watch alot of t.v. Can someone tell me about it?

My 2nd grader said that people got infected with radiation and they wanted to suck other peoples blood so they could get better. This is the one that has him really upset.

The other one was about a dad who dropped a blood cell and made copies of him to take over the world.

Thanks for your time.




  1. I would sit down and talk to your son about fantasy and reality.  My kids watch horro movies all the time (the grown up kind) and don't have problems, because we sit and talk about the movie before, during and after and they know the difference between special effects and reality.  My 4 year old loves to fill balloons with a concotion of tomato juice and syrup then pop looks like blood splatters.

  2. I used to read the books and watch the shows! He's definitely too young for them, since at seven kids still have a hard time with reality vs fantasy. The books are written by R.L. Stine, I wouldnt recommend them until he's about 9-10 years old.... Normal for you son to be scared, but I wouldnt let him watch them right now. Google the books, they'll give you a better understanding of the show.

  3. your more powerful than a teacher. Talk to him and tell convince him it is not real, then call the school and speak to the principle.

  4. My 7 year old is also scared of Goosebumps while my 8 year old loves them.  The school should not show them to 2nd graders.  You should definitely complain to the principal and probably make a complaint at the next school board meeting.

    I'm sorry that I don't recognize those episodes, so I can't tell you more about either one.

  5. Goosebumps are a book series you can check out at your local library my 4 kids who are now two girls 16 and 14 and 13 and 10 read every single one they made. they are nopt bad books but are like sleepover ghost story time books combined with detective book. Just tell him they are an adventure and meant to be fun and make believe

  6. I read all the Goosebumps books when I was a kid, but I don't remember any like that.  The show, which I saw a few episodes of, comes straight out of the books.  Even the ones about vampires didn't talk about the blood sucking.  Very mild, a little scary, but not disturbing or gory at all.  I don't think these were Goosebumps.  By the way, what do you mean when you say "dropped a blood cell and made copies of him"?  I don't know what you mean.

  7. I remember reading Goosebumps books when I was a kid.  They really are rather creepy.  They are just horror books directed towards children.  I remember being scared out of my mind when I watched the movie they made for one of the Goosebumps books.  Something about a girl that put a scary mask on and it became her real face.  It really creeped me out.

    I would contact the school and let them know that you really don't appreciate them showing scary shows like that without first informing you.  You should be allowed to view and approve movies that they watch.  Goosebumps wasn't appropriate for a second grader.

  8. Those Goosebumps shows aren't bad, but for a second grader I can see how they might be a little bit frightening. They are definitely not educational and are not school appropriate. The shows are based off the childrens' Goosebumps book series, which I think are more appropriate for probably 4th-5th graders... upper elementary school/lower middle school. Either way, they're not really educational at all. Hope your son isn't too scared! I would call and file a complaint with the teachers/subs  and principal.

  9. If they scare him just tell him they are not real and nothing of that stuff can happen. Also let the teacher know that that is wht they watched and ask her never to let them watch that again. Hope this helped!


  10. I'd be very very upset if my child was shown this in school.  They are appropriate books and movies for 4-8th graders.  I remember reading all of them as a kid!  I'd definitely have a talk with the school!

  11. this series is being shown on a regular cartoon channel in the evenings and it is a child version of a horror flick.

    the problem i have is it shouldnt have been shown at school.

    if I remember correctly the school should only G rated movies all through 5th grade.

    what parents allow the TV networks to show on the TV is thier own choice,(not mine) but at school it should be different.

  12. Goosebumps was a series in the late 90's they are also a popular scary series of books. Second graders should not have been allowed to watch it. (I will tell you my kid were 11 and 12when they watched tem and were scared) check youtu    and see if you can watch them yourself

  13. its just kinda a horror thing for kids...

    haha i remember i read a part of one of the goosebumps books because everyone else was......i didnt sleep that night.


    i hope he gets better

  14. Goosebumps is Steven King for kids.  I'm not surprised that your son is upset and I'm sure he's not the only child who feels this way.  I'm not sure which is worse - access to this or the lack of adult supervision.

    With all the wonderful films available through Netflix, there is no excuse for this.  Sheesh.

  15. they can be scary. i would contact the school and tell that your child is not to watch these shows

  16. that show isnt as bad as some, but because he is young it is understandable why he is upset

    you should contact the school, some one should always be supervising the children and obviously they didnt realize that show would be unsetting to young ones

    explain to your son that it isnt a real show and maybe like get him some happy feel good movies/ shows he could watch maybe like 15 mins before he goes to bed so he doesnt think of the bad things.

  17. I would be irrate if my 7 year old saw this at school.  I mean very upset.  My 2nd grader would be spooked too.  He saw the movie "Enchanted" yesterday and I had to sign a permission slip for him to see this.  Your childs school has overstepped their bounds.

  18. If I remember right, Goosebumps was a kid's "horror" show, like Tales from the Crypt, but rated G. It's definitely not something to let kids watch without parental supervision, though. It sounds like you need to have a talk with your son's teacher and/or principal.

  19. Most Goosebump movies aren't scary, but for a 2nd grader it is probably very scary. Goosebump movies can even scare older kids, my 7th grade daughter still gets scared about a Goosebump movie about pupets . If i were you i would inform the school of what they watched and that they played games

    Hope I Helped :)

  20. My 5 year old son and 7 year old nephew watched Goosebumps at my brother's house recently and weren't scared. It was a story about a dad who was growing plants and started turning into one. At the end his kids realized what was happening and told him, then he turned back into a  normal person. Didn't seem that bad to me but maybe it was a mild episode. They should get your permission before allowing him to watch anything that isn't rated G.

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