
My 2yr old cat has a penny sized lump and bald patch in the middle of his stomach which is squishy to touch.?

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any ideas?




  1. My cat who recently died had one. No, she didn't die of that, it was just a harmless blemish older cats get.

  2. take it to the vets for a check up it could be cancer

  3. You either should or shouldn't worry, depends. My dog had one, and it was just a pus bubble like thing, it went away, much like a pimple. However, my aunts' cat had this, and she pulled something white out of the blister, and it turned out to be a bone, and the cat later died. Luckily, it was a stray, so it wasn't a pleasant process, but not too big. It could also be cancer.

  4. Could be cancer...better get it checked out by your vet.

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