
My 2yr old got hold of a permanant marker(sharpie). Its on her teeth and hands. How do i get if off??

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It was a wide piont sharpie and it is everywhere. I know i cant put anything on her teeth to get it off. So what do i use for her teeth? What do i use for her hands and arms?




  1. To get it off her hands and arms, use mild hand sanitizer (the alcohol stuff). About her teeth...just keep brushing them with a kidsafe toothpaste, and ask her dentist.

  2. sometimes germ-x will work to remove permanent marker from skin. my 2-year-old uses it all the time. she tasted it once, and that was the last time she ever put it in her mouth! good luck!

    hmm...will baby oil or vaseline work?

  3. Keep washing.  It's not permanent on either skin or teeth.  You could use a solvent, but it might irritate her skin.  This is only a foreshadowing of things to come.  When she is in preschool and kindergarten she will be coming home every day with different colored skin depending upon the art activity.  Frankly, it would have been more of a problem if it had gotten on her clothes.  That wouldn't come off.

  4. LOL....  This is so funny.  Sorry to be laughing but it is.  The thing I would do is take a picture and laugh yourself.  Using harsh cleaners could irritate her skin.  It will come off adventually.  This is so cute though.  Just wash her as usual and brush her teeth.  It will come off soon or later.   LOL!!!!

  5. I know that rubbing alcohol can work on the skin, and baking soda in toothpaste is abrassive that it might work on the teeth... Hope that helps and good luck!! :)

  6. use dish soap for her hands and scrub but not too hard for her teeth try to rinse her mouth or take a tooth brush make sure to tell a physician about it incase she injested any ink its not really good for her. hope this helps...

  7. for the marker onthe skin warm baths or a soak, and scrub with a good soap and washcloth. As for on the teeth try brushing Ive never delt with it on teeth though, just on skin.

  8. Just brush her teeth twice a day until it comes off. For skin you can use rubbing alcohol or lots of soap and water with scrubbing.

  9. Spray the skin with hair spray and scrub off.  as for in the mouth just brush teeth and wait.  YOu will not be able to get it all off but it should help

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