
My 2yr. old son had a dermoid mass removed from his skull and his Dr. took such great care of him.?

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He is doing great now. After going through this experience I have decided I want to create something with emphasis on neuroscience that would help families going through a similar situation. Can someone give me any info. that my be helpful in me getting this started? Also, I want to use my son's first name (CAMERON) as the title but are having trouble coming up with a great acronym using the letters of his name. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. C can stand for children and N for Neuroscience or neurosurgery. Thanks!




  1. Sorry, not sure what info I could really give here...

    Just wanted to say I'm glad your son is doing so well now!  It must have been a very scary experience for you both!

    My daughter had a dermoid removed from her skull at 15 months old too...  And she's also doing wonderfully!

    Good Luck!

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