
My 3 1/2 month old has a common cold and is congested...?

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she is congested and i dont know what i should do to help relieve her a little bit.. i gave her a bath last night with johnsons baby wash with vapors.. and i have a triminic vaporizer next to her crib... but she is still really congested when she coughs.. im a new mom and i dont know what i should do... it just sucks when you baby is sick and you dont know what you should do :-( oh and i have been giving her baby tylenol bc she has been warm.




  1. Oh it's awful when they're sick and so little. My little one has had many colds in her 10 months of life and after seeing our doctor many times all I can say is there's not much you can do apart from elevating her bed so the mucus can drain from her sinus's a little bit. If you're breastfeeding I've found that giving my baby a feed clears her nose a little bit because she's forced to breath out of her nose and forces the mucus out a bit. Try to keep her nose wiped as much as possible because if she wipes the mucus into her eye, she could end up with conjunctivitis which isn't much fun. Watch out for signs of a chest infection as well (rattling in the chest when she breathes etc). If she has a fever, I would get her seen by a doctor. A temperature in a baby under three months is considered a medical emergency and as she's only a few weeks older than this, it would be a good idea to have her looked at. Good luck and I hope the poor little thing feels better soon.  

  2. she can have vapor rub on her tummy or back - boots own make is for 3mos plus.

    try carvol on her bed sheets.

    there is little fans and plug ins you can get that omits vapors

    she can have infant suspension (paracetemol) to lower her temp, or for any little aches she cant tell you about.

    fill a bowl with boiling water, put some vapor rub in it to disolve and put is beside her cot at bedtime.

    give her extra tummy time - being on her tummy will allow drainage of the yukky stuff thats congesting her

    if she is having trouble taking her bottles, use a nasal aspirator to bogey bust.

    and most of all, give her lots of cuddles, so she feels nice and safe and warm.

  3. I'm with R360.

    Also you could try saline drops down the nasal passage, which she will hate and it will make her cough, but will clear up some gunk.

  4. Try getting a bit of vicks body vapour, It may be a little strong but it will ease off the cold and congestion and will gradually help the baby get better. Don't put too much though.

  5. i just took mine in because she had that and it turned out to be baby asthma,so i got a baby inhaler also the nurse told me baby cough med doesn't really work and its just a waste of money

    does asthma run in your family?

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