
My 3 1/2 week old baby?

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My son is a little over 3 weeks and on his cheeks he has these what looks like little pimples on his cheeks and a few on his chin. They are tiny and just like bumps. What are they? Are they normal? I asked mymom and she said they and my neice had em when she was little. But I wanna know have any of your babies had them? They dont bother him, he doesnt touch or act like they do.




  1. They are called milia and they are totally normal and harmless. It's "baby acne". Just keep his skin clean and dry. Do not scrub them or try to squeeze them out. They will disappear on their own in time.

    A baby at 3 1/2 weeks still has some of mama's hormones going through him from birth. It'll cause "pimples"...just like in adults.

    They don't bother him and there isn't really anything you can do to get rid of them right away, just keep his skin clean and they will go away in a few weeks or so.

    And he does not have scabies. That was an incredibly rude thing to say to say to a new mother.

  2. milk bumps or baby acne TOTALLY is his body gettting rid of your hormones from when you were pregnant..and they will go away on their own, just keep his face clean and dry, or you can get some baby acne wash at your local drug store or at walmart, toys r us, kmart, target, or grocery store...

  3. my son (now almost 3 months) got pimples on his face too. I cleaned his face with plain water aftr every feed and did not use soap at bath time. no lotion either and tht worked for us

  4. They are absolutly normal. You baby has never been out in the air before so his skin is adjusting to everything out here. Also he has some of yor hormones still in his system which cause acne. Doctors recomend that you don't do anything to the bubmpy area as any cleansers you use will most likely on further irritate his skin. Also DO NOT pick at them because this may cause acne like scars. They will go away on thier own and there is nothing gross or un sanitary about them.

  5. Its normal hon don't worry. Think that if you went from being in water for 9 months to dry air your skin would react as well. My daughter had them and they went away. Dont listen to stupid people and there isnt anything you can do to get rid of them. They are little pimples so... just leave em.

  6. sounds like scabies to me

  7. Totally normal. Your hormones are still in the little guy's system, so they get baby acne. There's nothing you can do (and don't try to pick, or scrub at them!!) They'll go away on their own.  

  8. my baby had this too-- it is called baby acne.  it really only bothers us more than the baby.  what i did was wash her face with mild soap- like the Aveno baby wash and I did not put any lotion on it so it would not irritate her more.  in about a week her face looked A LOT better.  she still has a little baby acne, but no where as bad as it was when she was about 2-3 weeks old.  she is 7 weeks today.

  9. It could be baby acne or a mild case of eczema,. which is all normal! A little lotion after a bath would help  

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