
My 3 1/2 year old acts like a terror around me... ?

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but an angel around my husband. No joke, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. He is a completely different child from one adult to the next. Has anyone experienced this and what are some things I can do to get my son listen to me like he does my husband.




  1. Perhaps your husband is, in the child's point of view, the disciplinarian, and they view you as ' a soft touch', If you know what I mean. Perhaps you should talk to your husband about this, and have a chat with the child, reminding him that you are both his parents and you support each other and that the child should give you both respect.

  2. Follow your husbands lead. Observe how he interacts (pays attention to, talks to, listens to, plays with) your son, and try to mimick that interaction. Ask your husband for support and tips to get him to help your son respect you more.

  3. It seems your husband is the one who disciplines the most between the two of you. My daughter is 2 1/2 and minds me more than my husband because my husband lets her get away with more.  I don't know what to tell you but he's going to have to know that you are also the boss, not just daddy.

    Tell hubby to back up a bit to let you uphold your authority so he knows that it's the both of you that he must listen to.

  4. Yes, my monster never ever has to be disciplined at school. They think he is a little angel, full of smiles and eager to learn.

    Who is this child?

    It is healthy when children can and do push their parents (or one in your case), just be firm and fair, as long as you can get control when you need to, he needs someone that he can let off steam around.

    To get any child to listen you need to make sure they are making eye conact, otherwise you may as well be tallking to yourself in the mirror. So get down to his level and say very firmly 'I am NOT playing now, look at me and listen.....' if he goes to run away, put him back in front of you and repeat yourself, he will get bored (eventually) and comply.

    Hope it works for you!

  5. ah, we went through have to let your son know that you are both equally the boss (you and his father) in the house.  And you have to make sure your husband does not undermine your authority as well.  This is something you have to be consistent with otherwise it won't work.

  6. i also experienced such terror

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