He goes potty on the tiolet, but poops in his underwear. we have tried positive reinforcement up the ying yang. i have gotten so desperate- i have tried taking a nickel from his "nickel jar" when he goes in his pants, i swear nothing works! (his jar gets a nickel when he goes potty on the toilet and two if he poops- when it's full, he goes to toys r us(we just went there). his 2 1/2 year old sister poops on the toilet without being asked! he's not scared or mad- he simply leaves the room and does it. if i stay with him, he does it after he goes to bed! please- anyone else who found a good way to fix this? i have four kids and usually comfort people by saying no kindergartner goes to school in diapers, but, man, i'm not sure! he's super smart- i just don't get it!