
My 3.5 year old son is finding it very difficult to recognise alphabets. Should i be worried.?

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Can anyone please suggest fun ways for him to recognise alphabets.




  1. I would not be worried at all about a 3.5 year old having trouble.  There are biological/neurological development that must go on before a child can read.  (That is why it is impossible to teach a person with severe mental retardation to's physically impossible!)  

    I would concentrate on using letters that your child can pick up with his hands since that is the best for his development at this point.  Letter shaped magnets, puzzles, and the like would be inexpensive, good toys to begin with.  Singing and counting aloud in car trips, waiting at the grocery store would be the most helpful.  Spelling his first name would help, too.  Middle and last names and his phone number should come later.  

    Boys do tend to develop a little more slowly than girls when it comes to this sort of thing.  Don't forget the fun science toys out there that tend to amaze boys and promote their learning.  Letters is not always as important as vocabulary at his age.

  2. boys are just slower at learning...not being funny either it just takes them a while longer than girls thats it...just stay on him practice every night a letter or two and sooner or later he will recgonize them

  3. You should consult your pediatrician.  If your son has a disability, the sooner you start remedial efforts, the more successful he will be in overcoming it.

  4. Do not be concerned as every child develops at a different rate. Your son may be bored with the alphabet as he may feel that it does not make any sense to him. Try to make it fun by drawing up the alphabet in large text, using upper case and lower case text. Play a game with him by holding them up and calling out the letter and the sound. For example( C, ccc Cat), then use an emergent theme by introducing a fun activity after like letting him choose a c thing to bake, or to draw etc. Also buy him an alphabet chart and reward him by learning a letter per week. When he can remember that letter, let him pick out of a surprise box filled with a few items from the $2 shop, he will love this. Hope this helps you...

  5. make em stare at the abc chart all day until he remembers it, and then flog him if he dosent.

  6. Some people do not learn visually (or at least it's not their primary learning mode).  Use some techniques that allow your son to feel the letters, like using his body to form the letter "O", "L", "C".  You can work together to make "M", "S", "T".  You can make letters out of yarn or playdough and allow him to feel them and try to make them.  Lots of hands on stuff.  If he is a kinesthetic learner (learn by touching and feeling) he'll need lots of help because schools only teach visually.

  7. I didn't know my left or right hand until fourth grade. I am more than likely getting into medical school next year given my grades and everything.

    He will be fine. I also used to write everything backwards. NO, I don't have learning disorder, I was just slow on the uptake with all of that and too lazy to study it.

    I was fine. I am still fine and am regarded as highly intelligent.

  8. The alphabet is an abstract concept. All children learn at different rates & may not be developmentally ready to learn them yet. To help him out start with phonemic awareness, by asking questions when you're reading to him, like "What starts with the same sound as mouse, dog or muffin?"; Rhyming is another important skill to aquire. Another way to introduce letters is by starting out with letters that are meaningful to him, like the letters in his name, then the letters in a friends name, etc. Also, children at that age are concrete learners. They have to touch it. Use shaving cream in the bathtub to write his name, get foam letters/magnet letters for him to physically touch. The MOST important thing is to make learning fun!!! Don't worry, he'll get it!!!!

  9. No worries - they will start with recognizing their first letter of their name and then even to the rest of the letters in their name.   When he goes to preschool next year, they will focus on each letter of the alphabet in a fun, learning environment and he will pick them up as he is able.  He has a whole year to develop these cognitive skills before kindergarten - don't worry!

  10. I work in kindergarten and WE have kids that do not recognize letters. I would not worry until mid year kindergarten if they DO NOT recognize their letters. Where I am from at the end of kinder. all the kids have to is reorganize letters and the sounds for each letter. Make learning letters fun.

    puzzles, starfall(website),Letter hunts, I spy, circle letters he recognizes in the newspaper,  letter games etc, DR. jean CDS

  11. If your son is finding it difficult and has not started preschool yet then just work with himuntill he gets is if he continues to have a problem go and see a specilist for help, you son may just not be as fast in the educational development

  12. Concentrate on the ones in his full name. That should cover half of them and then go from there.

  13. I think you should not be worried as he is only 3.5 years old! There's still a long way for him to go so this will not be a problem as he will be able to overcome this in the future. A fun way for him to learn is to write the alphabets on cards. Then, turn the cards face down and start the game.

    The rules are as follow:

    1) Ask him to pick a card.

    2) Ask him to read out the alphabet on it.

    3) If he is successful, ask him to pick another card and say" good!" "clever!". And hold the card by his side. If he can't, tell him how to read it and let him pick another one.

    4) This game continues for a few minutes.

    5) Let him count the number of cards at the end and that will be his points.

    6) Play another game and see if he had improved. No matter how many points he get, you should always encourage him and make him feel that I can do better the next time!

    This might help him recognise the alphabets.

  14. try having him "shape" his body

    like in Y M C A

    you no wat i mean?

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