
My 3 Bala sharks have red in there dorsl fins. I think its blood and its not suposed to be like that. any help

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There in a 55 gallon tank, with 2 angel fish, 2 gourami, 4 neons, 2 suckers, and 1 catfish thing, and two other small catfish looking thingss. I have noticed the ph level is about 7.8-8.0 and i have used ph droper but it doesnt seem to work. Any Help to get the red out of there fins. They are pretty small maybe 2 months old or less.




  1. Stop messing around with the pH-- this is a great way to cause ridiculous amounts of stress on the fish, which leaves them susceptible to infections like septicemia (what you're seeing).  Along with ditching the pH adjusting stuff, more frequent water changes should help.  As this was likely due to temporary stress, just work on keeping the fish in a low-stress environment for a while-- if it hasn't returned to its normal color after a week, begin medicating with Maracyn TC, Furan 2, Maracyn 2, TC Capsules, Triple Sulfa, Trisulfa, Kanaplex, Metronidazole, Flagyl, Hexamit, or similar medications.  If using a tetracycline or minocycline based medication, keep the tank dark, as these drugs degrade with exposure to light.  Regardless of the medication, remove any activated carbon from the filter.

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