
My 3 Month Old Indoor Cat Has Fleas?

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I Recently Just Got A House Cat, And Discovered She Had A Couple Of Fleas. I Bathe Her In Flea Medience And Used A Flea Comb. I Was Just Wanting To Know If...

1. Are There Any Homemade Remedies To Getting Rid Of Fleas

2. How Do I Know If I Have Them All Over House

3. How Do I Know If My Cat Still Has Them ( i used a flea comb and i couldn't find any but she still scratches a little bit around her neck about once ot twice a day )





  1. Usually they tell you to clean house when a cat gets fleas, to save them from re-getting them AFTER treatment. It can also depend on the type of cleaner used. Sometimes a cleaner will work long enough on the cat itself that any stray fleas in the house die before they would get a chance to chomp on your poor cat again.

    As for the homemade remedies. I usually use a search engine (I.E. Google or Yahoo) to look up the natural remedies and it hasn't let me down so far.

    I wish you and your kitten the best of luck with the battle of the fleas

  2. One original way is mayonnaise...I'm not sure if it's safe for cat fur as it is for human hair, but that worked for me when I got infested...

    Maybe you should call an exterminator for you house. Only way to be positive they're out. Any where your cat went, fleas went too.

  3. go to the vet or call 1-800-PET-MEDS and get some flea usually isn't very costly

  4. 1..garlic tablets and yeast in cats food are suppose to be home remedies for fleas,but i have been giving my cats garlic tablets now for the last 6 weeks and no good,they still have i had to buy stronghold spot on from vets which last a month.

    2...if a cat has fleas your house will have fleas,

    3..and unless you can see fleas on the cat then maybe she has a skin problem,ie eczema or allergic to flea flea on a cat who is allergic to them can have a bad reaction even if one flea bites it,it can upset its skin terribly and the cat will end up scratching and mutilating its body by biting it all over just to get the flea..

    you are better of seeking medical advice from the vets.

  5. I wouldn't use a home remedy for fleas, the best thing is to use the shampoo like you did and to start regular flea treatmens to prevent this from happening again.  Your vet can recomend a good one.  

    For you house all you need to do is wash all your bedding in hot water and dry on high, and vaccumme all floors and furnature.  This will ensure any fleas that are lerking around don't get far.  The flea treatmens will ensure they can not live on your cat and they will die off.

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