
My 3 friends and I will be heading round Australia. Are there any sites worth going off the beaten track for?

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On New Years 2009 our quest will begin. The Quest will involve 4 friends trekking across our beautiful and deadly bush, reef and outback in the back of a beat-up bus in search of finding new friends, discovering all about our great nation and tasting more meat pies than any normal human should.

But we need your help to do it!

First of all we need to hunt down some cheap transportation then we want all of you to help decorate it by coming and seeing us when we roll into your town!

4 friends, 1 bus, travelling Australia stopping for whoever wants us too, has a shower and knows how to party!

Dani, Aaron, Colin and Kirra or D.A.C.K to you.

Join in and help us DACK Australia!




  1. Some places worth seeing (that don't cost a lot) are:

    Karijini (Hamersley Range) National Park, WA.

    Visit Red, Weano, Hancock, Knox and Joffre gorges.   Also see circular pool and Fortescue falls.  Each gorge is totally different and easily accessible by car (and yes you can camp there).

    Monkey Mia, Shark Bay, WA (World Heritage Listed)

    Aside from the great beaches, you will find wild dolphins that will come into shore and let visitors touch them at Monkey Mia.

    Valley of the Giants, WA

    The southwest of WA is home to the second tallest trees in the world, the giant Karri trees.   Visit the treetop walk 40ft up in the canopy amongst the trees of the forest.

    Kakadu National Park, NT (World Heritage Listed)

    This was a primary location in the original Crocodile Dundee Movie, and is a pretty wild place.  Do watch out for crocs, but the place is amazing and one of the premier (and largest) tropical parks in Australia.

    Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Qld (World Heritage Listed):

    Great snorkelling, amazing coloured reefs and diversity of wildlife.  Too much to describe and do here.

    Uluru (Ayres Rock), Kata Tjuta National Park, NT (World Heritage Listed):

    Visit the famous Uluru (Ayres Rock) and Olgas rock formations in the centre of Australia.   The area is famous for its natural beauty and different shades at various times of the day.

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