
My 3 month old's scalp is peeling?

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What can I do to hurry the process? Wash more, less? Lotion more, less?




  1. My baby brothers scalp does that i am 12, my step mum tells me its cradle cap.

    My step mum uses this oil and rubs it on his scalp gently with cotton swabs.



    DO NOT PICK IT ...

  2. all 3 of my kids had this. it is called cradle cap. put vaseline on it and brush it out. that worked best for all 3 of my kids!

  3. My baby is also 3 months old, and he is also peeling on his scalp just like yours. But also on his forehead a little.

    The advices I got was to apply some good baby lotion or oil, but made of all natural ingredients (some are petrole derivatives...)

    And not to bathe your baby too often, as this removes baby's natural oils. Also, they told me to make sure I use baby shampoo only, and nothing else. Hope this helps!

    Oh I bought Gerber's Oatmeal Baby Lotion to help with my baby. Not sure if it will be working. It's has just been 2 days now.

  4. Cradle cap.  My Dr. advised using a soft fingernail brush when washing hair to help the dead skin cells sluff off.

  5. just leave it.. you will do damage to the hair folicals if you mess about with it, it will peel naturally on its own and i am presuming you are on about cradle cap!

  6. It's cradle cap, and do not leave it alone b/c it will not all come off on its own. it will build up and be impossible to remove.

    When you bathe your baby use baby shampoo and a fine tooth comb, every time. Don't try to get it all out during one bath.

  7. my doctor said use a little baby oil in the tub, then use a baby brush to rub it in their scalp well. The next time you wash their head, it should just rinse away. This worked for my kids.  

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