
My 3 month old is humping my leg?

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Is she trying to establish dominance? When she is out of control I bite her ear (not to hurt her but just hard enough to let her know who is in charge. mother dogs do this too) Is she tired of not being alpha? Should I stop this or is it harmless.




  1. All puppies go through this stage. Although sometimes it is a domenance thing, puppies don't usually develop 'alpha' problems this early. Getting her speyed is a good idea, to reduce hormones. Good luck, xo Kiki.

  2. You should probably stop the humping behavior. If you leave it, she may start testing the rules in other areas. Plus, a dog humping your leg is never fun.

    Some things to try:

    1. Always put a drag lead on her. Use a light lead, and clip off the loop at the end so it doesn't catch on anything. Make sure to use a flat collar and not a training collar. When you dog starts to hump, non-mark her (ack, ack) and stop her with the lead. Then get her to do a command for you, e.g. sit or down.

    2. Time-out. If your dog continues with her bad behavior after you have told her to stop, then say "time-out" and remove her to a time-out area (a safe but boring room, e.g. laundry room). Leave her in there for a couple of minutes and let her out. If she starts up again, non-mark her (ack, ack), and say time-out and put her back in time-out. This time lengthen the duration to about 10-15 minutes. Note that if your dog stops the bad behavior, make sure to praise her a lot and give her good treats. Keep this up and your dog will learn that certain behaviors get her rewards while others get her into a boring room with nothing to do.

    3. NILIF program. A great way to establish yourself as leader is through the control of resources. Don't give anything to your dog (including pets and affection) unless she does something for you first. For example ask her for a "sit" before you give her food, toys, or freedom.

    4. Obedience training. Try and do some obedience training sessions everyday. Enroll in a class or get a good obedience book, and practice with her for short sessions (10-15 minutes) every day. This will help establish you as a leader, improve your bond with your dog, exercise your dog's mind, and give you good tools that you can use to help control her in the house.

    In terms of biting her in the ear, you may want to consider stopping that. This is because your dog may start to think that "playing bite" with humans is a fun game and start mouthing on you in play.

    This site has a good overview of dog training techniques:  

  3. it is harmless, and your family sounds fun lol.

    humping baby that wants dominance, mother biting baby to show she's "da boss". lol....that sounds so fun...

  4. Your dog is trying to be dominent, abviously biting isnt working, shove her off and firmly say no, you need to get this all sorted out before she is big, a large humping dog can become dangerous and can knock small children down. Also if people dont know what she is trying to do they might think she is being aggressive.

  5. sounds like she is trying to say she likes you... j/k

    Honestly, I wouldn't allow it even though it probably is play and coming of age stuff, it's a bad trait to get into so early in life and can be easily get ingrained as appropriate behavior... The hopefully soon to come spaying should help alot too...

  6. When they are that young shes probably just playing but I would give her a toy to play with or turn her attention in some other direction.

  7. LOL yes it is harmless. It is just a sign your puppy is growing up. It is not a sign of dominance. No matter what you do she is alwayz going to hump ur leg on till you get her spayed.Thats only if you want to.Also later on she might start dripping blood from her private area and it might smell.Dont worry thats just her going through her period. You can aviod that by getting her spayed at a early age (earlier the better) or buying dog pampers. Also about the bitting the ear thing I wont suggest that but if it works for you then keep doing it. I will just use a strong firm voice and take privileges away if she doesnt listen. But its clearly your choice. Ant ways hoped i helped :)  

  8. she is trying to establish dominance. push her down and say NO in a loud firm voice and if you have to use a spray bottle or something that makes a loud noise and when she humps again spray or make a loud noise to startle her. I hope this helps

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