
My 3 month old is so hungry all the time is it ok to start her on solids?

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i know alot of people start there babies on solids earlier then they should . if so what should i try her with?

she wants food like every 2 hrs sometimes and im giving her 180 ml at a time




  1. i started my son on juice at 3 months. (50% juice to 50 % water no more than 2 oz of juice a day)

    4 months we started cereal 2 weeks later baby food (veggies first)

    this was all dr. recommended.

    good luck.

  2. hi my baby was the same always hungry have you tried giving him a extra ounce  or 2 of formula or try get the formula for hungrier babies i was a afraid to start him on the solids i stretched him to 3 and half months then gave him 2 spoon full of rice in morning and evening  which he didn't like...hope that helps a bit  

  3. NO. Does your baby have many teeth? Your baby needs several teeth to start chewing. Call your dentist and ask them. Or call the baby's doctor and ask them. I would suggest not feeding the child solids yet unless you get an ok from a doctor.

  4. personally, i tried it at 3mos, and honestly it caused more problems than solved them.

    my girl was taking 8-9oz of hungry baby milk every 2hrs, day and night. she was feeding a lot, but in between feeds she was content. i started fiving her some baby rice and she just totally changed.

    she was extremely gassy, colicky even, when id never had this problem before.

    she was spitting up more than she was before with just milk.

    she was peeing ok, but he BM were all over the place.

    in general she just was not the happy baby she used to be.

    i stopped the rice after less than 3 days, and withing 2 days, my happy little baby came back.

  5. well, it all depends on whether or not you feel you should start her on solids, but i would not start her on solids until at least 6 months, but thats just my opinion. whatever you feel is right is what you should do. hope this helps :)

  6. in my opionin yes only because i started my kids from about 3 months on solids and they were all fine.. so long as you give your baby.. the 4 month on food that doesnt have any bits in there is no reason y you shouldnt start off.. or even try baby rice to start with and see how she gets on..  if she is going through the night from 9pm til 8-9 am what are you complainning about.. thats great..

    if your child suddenly goes through a stage where they are extra hungry it could mean that he/she is going through a growth spurt and sometimes they do sleep abit more as you grow when you sleep!!

  7. I started giving my son baby food at 3 months. I started with rice cereal or baby oatmeal mixed with formula (or breast milk). I did that once a day at first and then gradually started him on applesauce and baby food like that and started giving it to him more often. Every baby is different and doctors give you information on the majority. Not every kid falls into the majority, so trust your instincts.  

  8. Try to train her to wait for 3 hrs. and is she getting you up in the night?  I had three and my mom was very good with babies and knew what to tell me.  She got me to train them to sleep through the night by the time they were 3 mo. old.  Do you give her milk every time she cries?  I hope not because so many girls do this and the baby can cry for other reasons such as cramps, or nausea.  She could develop too many adipose cells which will stay with her for life and cause overweight later.  Some may disagree with this but this is one thing that happened to me.  If you want to try solids, start with just a little baby rice cereal (like Gerber's).  But, have you talked to the doctor about this?

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