
My 3 month old is teething?

by  |  earlier

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my son is 3 months old and has a tooth coming in on the top row and it is third one over thats poking through the pointy tooth we all have. is this normal? i thought they got bottom teeth or the top front ones first? but can i give him baby tylenol for this or only baby oragel?




  1. I thought my daughter was teething i called the doctor they said that if anyone in the family had their teeth come in out of order then the baby can, and that you don't need to give tylenol or oragel and that if the baby has a temp of 104.0 or lower then they are fine (rectally taken) and if its above 104.0 then the baby needs to be seen, and to make sure your hands are clean and message the gum for 2 Min's a day and if you get a baby teether make sure to just put it in the fridge for a couple mins and dont freeze it because it could ruin the babies teeth that are coming in and you can use a cold washrag. And that when a baby teeths it should not be painful so if they are overly fussy and not sleeping or eating well, then its something else bothering the baby.

    Goodluckk hope i helped!

  2. My son's teeth didn't come in according to what is deemed "normal" either.  He got his little "vampire" teeth first.  I found that Baby Orajel only works for a few minutes but when my son woke up in the middle of the night it worked long enough to get him back to sleep.  I used Children's Motrin because the doctor said this helps with pain and inflammation.  But I did not use it very often.  I let him suck on a cold wet washrag and it seemed to help.  The teething toys did NOTHING for him.  

  3. Usually the bottom 2 come in first, but obviously, they don't have to come in in some kind of order. You can give him baby Tylenol, I was ask a Doctor how much (usually to the 1st line on the dropper) and on Baby Orajel it says not to use for under 4 months, so I would ask a Doctor before using that as well.

  4. I thought my son was teething at that stage too. and the weird thing was that the ped. even said it was teeth.

    it was hes top teeth. and they poped threw twice. and went back into the gums.

    If your son is in able weight class to ggive him tylenol you can do that.

    however because oral gel numbs the gums and mouth. if your son was to swollow it he could be chocking on his own droll for example and no one would know it. i took that advice and iddnt use it on my son until he was of able age. Its your choice if you use it on your son. but i would advise not too.

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