
My 3 month old likes to stand?

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We were playing with her standing her up a couple weeks back and now she likes to try and stand up a lot of the time. Sometimes she won't sit on our laps because she wants to stand. Is that ok or can it cause bone development problems like my mom says? Also how can I get her to go back to sitting as well? It's hard to do anything when she's sitting on your lap and straightens herself out and almost slides off onto the floor.




  1. WOW!

    that is one baby.

    kinda reminds me of Shawn Johnson.

    sign her up for gymnastics!

  2. It's OK!  She won't do things before she's ready.

    If she's ready and you're not forcing her to do it, then it's natural development and you're not going to cause her damage when she tries to stand.  Tell mom to chill.  ;)  In a nice way.  I would worry about bone development were she NOT trying to creep, crawl, stand!

    When she's tired of standing, she'll sit, as well.  You can gently place her back on her bum, and say something like, 'Ok, Susie, we're sitting now!'

    Have fun!

  3. I was told not to let him stand too long it's sometimes bad for their legs. Mine would only calm down if we stand him up and bounce him.

  4. As long as she isn't putting her full weight on her legs (you holding her weight for her) then she'll be fine. All 3 of my boys were exactly the same and none had any problems with their legs or hips. She will grow out of it before going back to it when she wants to walk.

  5. Haha, my son loved to do that too - right from the beginning!  He just loved having the pressure on his feet and exercising those leg muscles!  The pediatrician we have said don't worry about it - it won't hurt the baby.  It definitely doesn't hinder bone development like your mom says !

    We went out and got one of those excer-saucers and a jumping thing for the doorway (Johnny-jump-up) at about three months.  Had to use a blanket as padding to help prop him in the saucer but he LOVED it.  He grew into the other things and loved them too.

    I ended up with another excer-saucer too from a garage sale.  All three were great and the baby would push off when he wanted and could stretch those muscles.  Because of the seat, he would relax his legs too so we didn't worry about him standing too much.

    In the end (as our pediatrician suggested) we just had an early walker.  He walked at 10 months and wouldn't crawl at all after 11 months.

    Congrats on a sturdy kid.  Don't sweat about the standing habit!

  6. My son has LOVED to stand for as long as I can remember. He's 8 months now but I don't see any thing wrong with his legs when he stands now.

  7. my two month old does the same thing.  just use your judgment.  My nine year old did it at that age and she is just fine now.  

  8. It is perfectley fine! Don't worry, my 5 month old did the same thing!  

  9. my daughter is the same way, she throws fits until we stand her up, but you cant do it for very long because their knees arent fully developed and they will become bow legged. go to the store and buy a bouncer. those seats helped me. sit her in it with a toy.

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