Towards the end of June, I bought a rat from Petco. She wasn't a feeder rat. Today she was out playing happily, and jumping up onto furniture. The only thing that seemed odd before she died was that she had a urine accident while out playing today. However, while she was running up the stairs, I noticed she was positioning herself to poo, so I put her in her cage. When I put her in the cage, she just let herself drop. I picked her back up and her nose and mouth started bleeding. It wasn't the red discharge that some rats get - it was definably blood. Then she just died . . . just like that.
There were no other symptoms - no wheezing, no coughing, no nasal discharge - nothing. I don't use pine bedding, she has a large wire cage that isn't by a draft, she had high quality food, etc. She was eating, drinking, had nice clear eyes. She seemed healthy.
What on earth could have happened to her?