
My 3 months old baby has red rashes on her face neck n stomach,what it cud be?it diminishes then appear again?

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My 3 months old baby has red rashes on her face neck n stomach,what it cud be?it diminishes then appear again?




  1. maybe she's allergic to the detergent soap ur using.. change it to mild baby detergent soap..

  2. go to the doctor please  

  3. MY GOODNESS! Is that everyones answer to everything- go to the doctor-right now- the sky is falling? IT is a rash people- not hemorhaging!

    I would guess it is heat rash- it has been warm lately. Be careful to not overdress baby.

    It could be a virus- my kids get a little rash before they get a cold usually.

    It could be that the baby is fat and the skin is chafing- a bit of cornstarch will fix it.

    It could be a bit of mild excema- try a bit of diaper ointment, if it doesnt go away try a bit of cortisone cream, if it still doesnt go away better go to the doctor.

    Most rashes are not serious. All babies get rashes- and will be fine soon!

  4. Did she have a fever a few days ago? If so, it could be "Roseola"

    Roseola, also referred to as roseola infantum (or rose rash of infants), sixth disease (as the sixth rash-causing childhood disease) and (confusingly) baby measles, or three day fever, is a benign disease of children, generally under two years old, whose manifestations are usually limited to a transient rash ("exanthem") that occurs following a fever of about three day's duration.

    It affects a child between six months and three years of age, and begins with a sudden high fever of 102-104 degrees .

  5. it could be eczema my two kids had it. take him 2 the doctor to know for sure.  

  6. It could be a Drooling Rash many babies have a rash on the chin or cheeks that comes and goes.  This is often due to contact with food and acid that has been spit up from the stomach (especially prolonged contact during sleep). Other temporary rashes on the face are heat rashes in areas held against the mother's skin during nursing (especially in the summertime.)  

    Advice: Rinse the face with water after all feedings or spitting up.  During hot weather, change the baby's position more frequently and put a cool washcloth on the area... Hope this helps... Good Luck

  7. could just be baby acne, alot of babies get it. I would prob have it checked JIC. try washing her face w/ a wipe often.

  8. Take her to the doctor would probly be your best bet!

  9. It could be Rosella Infantim. It caused by a fever.look it up on web md .com

  10. commonly this is caused by an allergic reaction. To know exactly what's causing it, you need to get a SCRATCH TEST for your baby to test what allergies he/she might be susptible to.

    Since it's a newborn basically please look for professional help.


  11. sounds like eczema use buy some Eucerin lotion, Aveno oatmeal bath and hydrocarbon if it is eczema that should work

  12. It could be eczema, but there are plenty more skin diseases out there, Just goggle shin diseases or rashes. My baby is 22 mos and she developed eczema around 2 months. But take your baby to the pediatrician to find out for sure. Good luck !

  13. Could be eczema...or if she's crying when it appears then it's just thin skin.

    Eczema...the doctor should diagnose.

  14. she is allergic to something. when it appears write down everything she was given that day, what clothes she had on etc. and when it shows up again see if there are any similarities  


  16. Sounds like heat rash. Take her to the doc to be sure

  17. Hi.

    It could be a number of things, most of them have already been mentioned on here, but none of us are doctors and we cannot see the rash! You could try asking your pharmacist's advice, they are usually really helpful and also trained to help, but if you are really worried or if it gets any worse then I would personally take your baby to the doctors, just to be safe hun. If its nothing to worry about then at least your mind will be put at rest. The doctor would rather you acted with caution and after all that's what they are there for.

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