
My 3 week old kittens are not pooping and one of them is losing weight.

by  |  earlier

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I need help, they have been doing fine but all of a sudden they stopped pooping and one of them is losiing weight at a rapid rate. I try to feed them every five hours, but they're not pooping no more either. They stop pooping about two days ago. Here is a picture of how they look yesterday... I am very scared for them. And when will they start eating on their own because i have to start work soon and i dont have a cat sitter. So letrs recap, they are not growing like they should (well i think they should be a bit bigger for 3 weeks old) one of them is losing weight, their not pooping anymore, and they need to learn to eat on their own. I feed them just born replacement milk. Also, there is one kitten that the other three love to stick their head under, now i am not a cat specialist nor can i tell genders but the cat they are abusing and when i say abusing they are under her l*****g her or whatever they're doing all the time (they're separated now) the cat under belly is pink and is not similar to the other cats private areas. help me please!




  1. Where is the mother? These kittens are too young to be away from their mother. The mother has to stimulate them to p**p by l*****g their anal area. If you have to do it, then take a cotton ball and dampen it with water and rub the kitty's butts.

    My main concern is where is the mother?????

    And how to intend to take care of them when you go to work? They are too young to be alone.

  2. Take her to the vet - might be a parasite and those can be contagious. You need to get it checked out ASAP!

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