
My 3 year has a fever and diarrhea and when my 5 year old came from school she got fever and vomiting .?

by Guest61291  |  earlier

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my son 3 years old had a fever yesterday and diarrhea and then my 5 year old got home from school and she was fine but she layed down with me and my other sick child and like 2 hours later she said her head hurt ed and felt heavy .she started to throw up and she also got a fever . we also just got back from mexico (juarez, chih.) 2 days ago . I don't know whats going on . the fever is not that high that's why I haven't taken them to the hospital yet. if any one has any idea what it might be please help. Also we bought some cheese in mexico and we have been eating it , I don't know if that has anything to do with it cause I have been having a stomachache




  1. As a mom I can tell you no one can really pin point what your kids have on-line because a lot of different things can cause similar symptoms (I've looked for my kids too and that's what most on-line sources I've found pretty much say} So just take them to see a doctor. I know you probably want an at home treatment but just coming back from Mexico it can be anything so go check on your kids. From what I remember years ago from very little med tech experience ( Very long ago so I've forgot a lot ) but for young kids dehydration is the major concern, especially with vomiting and diarrhea.  And if you feel the cheese may have caused it, stop eating it and also take it to the doctors office so they can see if it is causing the problem.

  2. They have food poisoning.  Make sure that they can get liquids down, such as pedialyte, gatorade and flat gingerale.   Check their temps and if the fever goes up and they stop taking in liquids, see the doc ASAP.  For the fever, give them tylenol liquid.  

    If they don't improve in a few days, they will need to see a doctor.

    Also, let the teacher know about this- your 5 year old may have infected other kids(you know the way kids share things).

    Do not give them any dairy products of any type.  If they start to get hungry, give them rice cooked in chicken broth, bananas and popsicles.  Avoid giving them red popsicles.

    As for you- stop eating the cheese, and watch yourself for the same symptoms.  If any of you stop taking in fluid, continue to vomit and develop a high fever- go to the ER- you may need IV fluid replacement.

    Food poisoning can be very dangerous for both adults and children.

  3. Both of your children should see the doctor right away. They could dehydrate easily... as well, they likely picked up something in Mexico. Anytime you are sick after a vacation, one should be looked at immediately.

    In the meantime, give them diluted Gatroade (1/2 water, 1/2 Gatorade). Do get them in.

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