I put her to bed at the same time every night, at 8:30 just like I did with my other children, but she will not go to sleep. She finally goes down between 11 and 1 am usually and is back up at 7. She used to be such a good sleeper but is not now. I don't understand! She comes out of her room every 10-15 minutes asking for water, need to pee, hungry, hugs, kisses, ect ect. If she has to pee or it's late and I think she is truely hungry I don't want to let her do without b/c I'm afraid it's mean plus I don't want her to wet the bed. I can't imagine sending her to bed if she is truely hungry b/c I love her and she cries like she is really in distress. I however cannot cope any longer and am at my wits end with this. Any tips on how I can get her to stay in her bed?