
My 3 year old daughter has astigmatism and has to wear glasses....?

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is there anything that can cure this and how bad is astigmatism? im worried about how bad can her vision get by the time shes 15.




  1. A lot of people have astigmatism. I do but i didn't wear glasses until I was older.

    My son started wearing glasses at three and he also has astigmatism.

    The day he turned 12 he got contacts and has worn them since. I understand they will let kids younger than 12 get them now but I'm not certain.

    Didn't the doctor explain this to you? And why are you worried about when she's 15?

  2. I'm 17 and I started wearing glasses at 4 because of my astigmatism. My vision still sucks but it has gotten a bit better since then. It's okay. There really isn't a cure for astigmatism (unless you want to go through a horribly expensive surgery that isn't guaranteed to work), and she'll be okay. I'm bucking my glasses in August for contacts.

  3. Astigmatism doesn't usually change all that much for better or worse. You can't cure it, you just wear a pair of glasses, it really isn't the end of the world. They can be quite groovy these days.

  4. No there is no real cure for it.  My brother has had two operations to "correct" his but that is because he is vain and doesn't like wearing glasses.  As the first person to answer your question said the surgery isn't guaranteed to work.  So she is 3 and wears oldest daughter was 14 months old when she got her first pair.

  5. I have had astigmatism since I was around 3-4. I'm sixteen now, and it hasn't really changed. I developed a slight case of near-sightedness too though. I don't like wearing glasses, so I take them off when I don't need them, but I'm getting contacts soon.

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