
My 3 year old daughter keeps locking herself in the bathroom

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She locks herself with the lights off and when I go in and turn on the lights she is on top of the toilet with her stomach on top of the toilet cover doing this weird swinging motion. Almost like she is humping the toilet sear or something. And when I get her off it she gets pissed at me. Is this normal? What's going on with her. Now she gets on my back when I am asleep and she does the same thing.




  1. well maybe she seen you gettin down with the get down in the dark i dnt know maybe she just going thrue a face hopefully it will stop soon. GUD LUCK!!!

  2. It's not safe for her to be locking the door and her behavior is not normal. If she can't handle the privilege of the lock, then you need to replace the k**b and put a chain lock up high so you can lock it when you're in there, but she can't.  

  3. Take the lock off the door.  

  4. It does sound strange and doesn't seem to normal.

    You should change the door k**b so there is no lock, you could put one up higher for adult use.

    Have you ask her what she is doing? In the bathroom on the toilet?

    She may have a simple answer.

    If she does it on you you can wake up and tell her to STOP that is NOT OK to be on you like she is.

    If she wants to do this "activity" tell her to go to her room where she can be alone. make sure she does not have a lock on her bedroom door.

  5. Well, locking herself in the bathroom is NOT safe at all and not normal and not something you should allow. What if she gets in to harmful products or medicine? What if she turns the water on an burns herself, what if she turns the water on and slips and hurts herself? What if she is playing in the toilet water which is not sanitary, and I HAVE seen kids do this. You need to take the locks that she can reach in the inner doors in ALL rooms.

    As far as the humping motions. I personally feel that this is pretty normal. I remeber doing it as a kid, I do not even think I was trying to hump anything, I had cousins that I observed do this when I grew up and they were like 17 years younger than me and I'd babysit them. My niece did this as well. I don't know why they do it. Maybe it is not that she is doing it as "humping motions" But it just appears that way to you. Little kids do weird things, they are just goofy sometimes. And even if she was doing it to do the humping motions, I still think it is normal. Kids will touch themselves, look at themselves in the morror, at a certain age they will m********e, not at the age of 3 of course but the humping motions is probably how it will start out. It is all normal behaviour. Almost all kids start to become curious about certain things and they do not turn out to be weird perverts or sexually messed up or anything. Just as long as you do not observe her doing these things in public or being crude or disgusting then I think she is fine.

    You may also want to make sure she is not being exposed to movies or TV that is not appropriate for her and be sure she is not in the room with you and your spouse while you have s*x.  

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