
My 3 year old does not listen or do anything i say, What to do?

by  |  earlier

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He's in control! Please help.....I've tried everything.




  1. 3 is a little early to quit naps, but not unheard of.  Make him at least have quite time.  I'm going to get thumbs down for this, but as far a discipline goes, we spank in our house.  I have found that if they can predict a spanking, they are more likely to mind.

  2. What does his not taking naps have to do with anything?  My oldest daughter stopped napping at a year old.  YOU are the one who put him in control rather than disciplining him, and discipline doesn't mean spanking.   Saying you've "tried" everything is only an excuse for allowing him to take control.  Obviously if you have tried everything then you haven't been consistent with discipline.  You have to be consisten, and patient...he is a three year old CHILD not a mineature adult.  When you use time outs you have to use them over and over and over and over.  And if he gets up from time out before he is supposed to you put him back over and over and over and over.

  3. as for discipline, my only advice is to NEVER go back on your word.  if you tell him to do something, don't change your (or let him change your) mind.  if you tell him NO, DO NOT CHANGE YOUR MIND.

    as for naps.. my daughter stopped at age 2 1/2.  it is very common for a 3 year old to be done napping.  don't force  him to try and nap.. it is just a power struggle that isn't worth it.  if you really need some time, tell him that he doesn't have to nap, but he needs to stay in his room/reading books/etc for a set time - and maybe even set a timer.

    good luck momma : )

  4. Watch Nanny 911 its about children like yours and a Nanny comes and stays with the family and shows the parents how to deal with it.

  5. the first thing you must do is regain control and keep it.

    if you need help with this get it, but make sure you get

    control back and keep it.  you are the mother. it is your

    job to train him in the way he needs to go.  it is not your

    job to spoil, placate, and generally give in to a pint sized


  6. I would invest in a supernanny self help guide lol

    Maybe your child has behavioural problems, it could be worth getting checked out with your GP

    Are you sticking to your word when you say they cant have something because they've been naughty or are you indulging the child??sometimes its easier to say oh my goodness just have it and be quiet lol.

    Ignore their demands and only listen to your child when they are being polite. Children dont appreciate being blanked so perhaps that might work. Just be like Im not talking to you until you behave and sing and ignore them until they get the message.

    Reward good behaviour and punish bad behaviour

    Give them lots of positive praise when they are helpful

    Try and involve them in stuff like shopping etc and keep them entertained.

    Dont let them know they are winding you up. They often try and get a reaction so let them go blue in the face while you remain calm. Dont shout just use a negative tone. Thats all Ive got. :D

    Good luck with that :D

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