
My 3 year old hates food!!! what to do???

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ok my son is 3 and he hates to eat!! he is sooo picky, he only likes a few things, he doesnt like much meat at all, not many soups... only a few feggies he will eat. also he will eat macaroni and cheese (only without additions, i've tried adding veggies, hotdogs, sausage, nothing) he will eat american cheese slices, spaghetti, pancakes... thats about it! everything else he will just kind of pick at. i dont think i have seen him eat until full for at least a year except a few times with pancakes.

he eats like a little bird! and iunderstand he's only 3 but he eats about half as much as my 21 month old. so i know hes not eating enough. so my question is how can i find what he likes? every time i try to make something new for him he wont try it. he'd rather just not eat at all. and i hate to just let him go hungry. but i will put him in time out until he at least tries the food. but every time it fails. he doesnt like it. any help?




  1. Have you tried PediaSure? Maybe he will drink that.

  2. try making the food in a shape of his favorite shapes and characters.......and let him help you make food! try some new kinds of food that you liked when you were a kid..........i rlly hope it goes well! =)

    the best of luck,

    Kayla =)

  3. I would not expect your 3 year old to eat as much as your 21 month old. Preschoolers often have a growth plateau, with a concurrent drop in appetite.

    Here's the deal: by making a big deal out of this, you are teaching him that being picky gets him lots of attention from Mommy.  You don't want him to be that way for years to come, I'm sure!

    For the next day, tell him that you are going to give him the same meal that everyone else gets, and if he doesn't want to eat it, he doesn't have to.  However, you will NOT make a special meal for him.

    On the following day, just make and serve everyone the same food.  You can be sure he will refuse to eat.  He might miss several meals.  But in the end, he will eat...whatever you make.  Hunger wins out every time.  In two to three days, you will have this problem licked.  

    Hang in there.  You can do this!

    Be well.

  4. My three year old daughter is exactly the same way.  I just keep offering her healthy food and snacks.  She nibbles away when hungry.  As long as your son is growing and gaining weight, don't worry.  I would suggest that instead of putting him in time out for not eating, when he does eat praise him and tell him how big and strong he will be.

  5. the doctor will tell you tha t he is ok and he will eat when he gets ready.  Just take him to the doc and ask.  He is fine!  Good Luck!

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