
My 3 year old is a magnet for bug bites (bees, mosqitos, spiders). Are there any natural & safe repellents?

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I am looking for something that I can put on her day and night so don't want anything harmful as it will be covering her pretty liberally. I should note, her twin sister is always with her and sleeps in the same room and NEVER seems to get bitten.




  1. Skin so soft from avon and tea tree oil is what I use for my son! Maybe the bed has bed might want to check!

  2. Try Neem Oil.  It's a natural repellant for bugs.  My coworkers say it works fantastic (one claims mosquitos usually find her from miles away, haha).

    And I don't know why bugs are more attracted to one person than the other.  My sister gets a lot of mosquito bites, and attracts bugs.  While I get hardly any bites, and bugs don't really like me :)

    Kim & lala: OFF is harmful.  She's looking for something that is NOT harmful.  Check out reports on DEET.  I never put it on my body after seeing what it can do, especially to small children.

    dlmrgnk: It's not a 'scientific' study, but here you go (that was with a quick google search):

    Read the latest issue on here: (issue 59)(the white issue with the natural health products on the bottom)

    There is an article about bug sprays.

  3. I have heard that if you keep a lot of iron in your blood you won't be as prone to bug bites.

    Hope this helps

    p.s. OFF works really well :D

  4. 'Off' brand has a repellent out that is a cornstarch formula.. Therefore it dries on contact and it's odorless.

  5. Basic H is a natural and organic highly concentrated household cleaner and has just recently received the PTPA (Parent Tested Parent Approved) seal of approval.  Amazingly, people have found it to be an effective mosquito (and other insects) repellent.

  6. My mom has this book of household items that you can use to replace items from the store. She is allergic to most bug sprays so she puts vanilla extract that she added water to and puts it in a spray bottle. when she's outside she puts it on and she doesn't smell too strong and the bugs stay off! i never would have thought of it but it works and you should try it!

  7. Citronella.  Whole Foods carries a variety of natural insect repellents which generally include that as the active ingredient.

  8. Try a little garlic in there diet.

  9. cut down on or eliminate the sugars and fruit she eats.

    Bugs eat blood, and rotting fruit for the sugar.

    A person who has high blood sugar is particularly tasty.

  10. Safe, yes.  Natural?  No.  It's not unusual for one person to be bitten more than another.  I've yet to see any scientific studies that DEET used as directed is harmful.  If you know of such studies, I'd be interested in reading them.

  11. No joke, Avon's Skin-So-Soft is the best repellent ever and doesn't clog pores.

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