
My 3 year old is babysitting my newborn downstairs and I just heard a loud crash?

by  |  earlier

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Both kids are crying. Should I go see what happened or should I presume everything is okay?

I don't want to miss any good questions...




  1. You might want to take a look...just RUN!

  2. how will they learn to fend for themselves if you keep seeing to them?

  3. Absolutely NO NEED to worry about a thing.

  4. if they're crying they're alive, so all's fine

  5. Dude take parenting classes than come back to yahoo  

  6. lol get off check

  7. Wait a couple minutes, if you don't hear anything else then everything should be fine.  If the baby starts crying, tell the 3 year old to make it a bottle.

  8. I know how you feel. My lounge room is on fire.

    But it's on the other side of the house so I figure I've got at least another 12- 15 minutes before I have to get the kids out.

  9. I truly hope you are joking! When I was six I was required to watch my 2 yr. cousin. That was stupid on my aunts account. You are if this is the case , of a 3 yr. old watching an infant dumber than she was.No one younger than a mature 13 mature, mind you should be baby sitting!

  10. Put some music on and turn it up!

  11. Everything is okay.

    It's normal for kids to get overly emotional when they roughhouse.  Don't leave your computer.

  12. no stay here

  13. so go and check on them who leaves a 3 year old to look after a baby anyway they are probably having a fun time eating playdough and crayons. what is wrong with you are you crazy

  14. I'm sure everything is fine, don't worry!

  15. When you are dealing with children, noise such as screaming and crying is good.  It means they can still breathe, which is the main thing you have to watch for when babysitting. Although it is okay if you don't hear from the newborn very often, because they sleep a lot.  You might want to get worried if 30 or 45 minutes go by and you don't hear from the 3 year old.  He might have gotten into the liquor cabinet again.  

    Glad you have your priorities straight, if you miss a really good question, it might ruin your whole day.

  16. So I guess you found your kid when you lost him at the motel huh? This is why you should get a dog, they make the best babysitters

  17. I will sit in for you on the questions.  Hurry back.

  18. ahhh it will be fine... im sure the burgelar has got it covered

  19. its ok  

  20. Ha - good one.  What's really funny is the people that think this is a serious question.  Thanks for the laugh.

  21. Why would you let a three year old babysit?? ok go chek on them!!!!

  22. I assume this is a rather facetious joke meant to poke fun at others online in this forum.

    So I won't even try to submit a "serious" answer to this question......

  23. Nice dude.  I hope this is a stupid joke.  Get your butt off of the computer and parent your children.  Be a good dad.

  24. Um i think you should go downstairs just in case it serious!

  25. im sure the child molestor next door who just walked in will take care of everything  

  26. Nah, just one less you might have to watch now.


    You ARE joking, right?

  27. don't worry.they are too small to drop really heavy stuff on themselves.

    it's when they are quiet that you have to worry

  28. I am sure they are fine. The dog or cat will take care of any problems. If not, let the mama worry about it. Mamas ALWAYS do a better job than daddies!

  29. you better be joking!!!!

  30. yea i would check it out

  31. Hey if there crying there alive right? Worry when you can't hear anything! Lol xoxo

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