
My 3 year old is sacred to death of me . What can I do ?

by  |  earlier

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I was talking to the family and telling them " we really need to break him of throwing things " and

he ran crying screaming " Dont break me !! "




  1. be more careful with your words?

  2. what else could be contributing to this fear?

  3. h**l, kids learn a lot through fear at that age. s***w it, let him think you'll break him if he throws things....that alone could do the trick. lol

  4. try sitting him down and tell him what you meant by what you said  and tell him you are not going to break him try doing this while doing something for him  you could take him some where fun and that will help him see  you love him

  5. keep it that way till he's well into his teens

  6. Explain to him what you really meant. Tell him that you meant that you were going to teach not to throw things. Then tell him that you would never hurt him because he is your son and you love him.

  7. awww, so sad. Perservarence is the only thing that might work. He's at that awkward age where throwing things is fun to him. Give it time he will outgrow it. *I hope* LOL

  8. just tell him that you didn't mean that duh

  9. If your child is that afraid of you, then what have you done or said to that child to make him fear you. You should take a look at your actions or words towards your child and change they way you are treating him obviously.

  10. Just talk to him and he'll be fine

  11. do you think that he might of gotten over it by now?

  12. Try to tell him that you would never break him and tell him why you said that, but if he always runs, get his dad to tell him.

  13. try explaining to him  yyou werent talking about him and it was just a term where you exxaderate. get him a gift and i bet  he'll be bettter. hoped i helped!

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